21 Day Fix VS 2B Mindset — Which One is Best for YOU?
Are you confused about the 21 Day Fix vs 2B Mindset programs? We’re here to help!
They both encourage healthy eating and weight loss, but they’re quite different from each other. We love each of them for different reasons. Read on for more information about the 21 Day Fix VS 2B Mindset programs.
What’s the 21 Day Fix Program?
Through a combination of a portion control eating plan and exercise, the 21 Day Fix program helps you shed unwanted pounds. While you’re losing weight, you’re also toning your body with daily exercise.
This program, by the amazing Autumn Calabrese, is Coach Monica’s favorite as she needs the structure it offers. She even has a private accountability group AND a FREE meal plan and tools that will help you get started on the Fix.
The 21 Day Fix Workout
Do you dread working out? Do you spend long periods of time on the cardio machines at the gym, but feel like you’re getting nowhere?
The 21 Day Fix workouts are easy and short, lasting only 30 minutes a day. Some workout days are active recovery days offering less difficult exercises.
Best of all, they are available with the affordable Beachbody on Demand membership, enabling you to live stream them from any mobile device, computer or Smart TV as long as you have internet!
The 21-Day Fix Color-Coded Containers
This is where the 21 Day Fix program nails it. Eating is the toughest part of any diet for most people.
The 21 Day Fix includes a set of portion control food containers that are color-coded and come in different sizes. The colors represent different food groups and the sizes represent the portions of each food you’re allowed to eat in each serving.
Based on your calorie range, you’re allotted a certain number of each container every day and you’ll measure out your food using the containers. After you’ve eaten everything in the containers, you’re done for the day!
You’ll use a food list to choose the foods that work best for YOU. You’re allowed caffeine, sugar, and alcohol in limited amounts.
What is the 2B Mindset Program?
Are you ready to learn about proper eating and lose weight at the same time? If so, you're ready for the 2B Mindset program!
Ilana Muhlstein designed the program. She's well equipped since she's a Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN). But, that's not all—she's the leader of the Bruin Health Improvement Program at UCLA. And she works on the Executive Leadership Team for the American Heart Association.
The 2B Mindset Program is all about nutrition and does not include an exercise program. You'll use your plate to eyeball portions and half your plate at each meal will be vegetables.
The 2B Mindset focuses on four main points:
- Water
- Veggies
- Food tracking
- Daily weight check
Water First: Never let food pass your lips without drinking water first. A sip of water doesn't count—you'll drink 16-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. This ensures you're hungry before you eat. People often think they're hungry, but in reality they're thirsty. Most people don't drink enough water on a daily basis. This program ensures hydration, fills you up, and flushes toxins from the body.
Veggies Next: Veggies should be the dominant food item for every meal. The program includes lots of delicious recipes. If you're not a vegetable fan, this program will teach you how to be!
Food tracking: Write down everything you eat in a day. This helps you with the last step...
Daily weight check: Every morning, the first thing you'll do is weigh yourself. Most people don't like this part, but it's important to program success.
If you've lost weight, look at yesterday's food tracking and see what worked. If you've gained, don't stress about it—but, do look back and see what might have caused the problem.
Did you indulge in dessert? Did you fail to cut yourself off after the first glass of wine? Remember, what seems like a small thing, like an extra glass of wine, translates into a lot of extra calories if consumed on a regular basis.
Tracking your daily intake in conjunction with daily weigh-ins is a powerful combination.
You should exercise regularly for your health regardless of what program you're on. The 2B Mindset program is ideal for people who already have an exercise regime and are just looking for a nutrition plan.
21 Day Fix VS 2B Mindset
So let's look at the 21 Day Fix vs 2B Mindset programs...
The 21 Day Fix is a structured and combined weight-loss and exercise program. Many people find the structure of the container system effective for controlling how much they eat.
The color-coded plastic containers take a lot of the guesswork out of eating—but, you've got to do a fair amount of planning to make this program work.
There's also 30 minutes of daily exercise in the 21 Day Fix that people find realistic and doable. The exercise routines adjust to all fitness levels. But, if you're not looking to exercise or if you like to do your own exercise outdoors, you may not be interested in this part of the program.
The 2B Mindset program is a lot less structured—but, it does demand morning weigh-ins and daily food tracking.
Don't worry about counting calories or measuring portions on the 2B Mindset program. Do drink water before you eat and throughout the day.
And, do make sure the largest amount of food on your plate is veggies. You'll know tomorrow if what you did today worked for you.
Which Program Is Best?
Which is best between the 21 Day Fix vs 2B Mindset programs? The one that YOU will stick with! This totally depends on your personal preferences, personality and goals.
Do you need structure? Are you good with measuring your food and exercising for 30 minutes daily? Is weight loss your main goal? Then, we recommend you give the 21 Day Fix a try. The combination of calorie/portion control with exercise stimulates weight loss.
Do you prefer healthy eating and less structure? Are you looking to get more veggies into your diet? Do you prefer not to have an exercise program? Then, you definitely should try the 2B Mindset.
Whichever program you use, do your best to stick to it—but, don’t beat yourself up on days when you just don't show up. Just acknowledge the misstep and get right back to your program.
Let us help you with choosing the 21 Day Fix vs 2B Mindset! Shoot us a message and we'll get you started working on your goals TODAY: