Beachbody Game Plan: A Blueprint for Coaches
On October 17 and 18, 2009, Team Beachbody unveiled the Beachbody Game Plan, which is a blueprint for success for coaches.
Monica was invited to be one of eight Beachbody Coaches to participate in a beta test of the program. The system is simple to follow and yields real results. Our Team Beachbody business has experienced phenomenal growth over the past month and the system has made coaching much less time consuming.
Here are the 10 principles that make up the Beachbody Game Plan:
1. Have a “Getting Started Right” interview with your sponsoring Team Beachbody Coach within 48 hours of sign up.
The Getting Started Right interview is an opportunity to educate the new Team Beachbody Coach about the basics of the business and to gain an understanding of what the new coach wants to accomplish. As upline sponsors, our primary job is to help our coaches achieve their goals. In order to do that, you need to take the time to understand your new coach’s goals.
2. Commit to a Beachbody fitness and nutrition program.
This seems obvious, but having a plan and writing it down is important. In addition, being on a fitness and nutrition journey is an important part of being a Team Beachbody Coach. You don’t need to be a fitness model, but you do need to be a product of the product. That means that everyone needs to commit to a fitness and nutrition plan.
3. Commit to two exposures per day.
Exposures are all about retailing and recruiting and “exposure is everything.” An exposure is simple to do and essentially means that you direct someone to one of the many third party tools that Team Beachbody has made available. Exposures may involve either the business opportunity or the fitness programs, but we all commit to do at least two per day.
4. Attend at least one local event per week.
These may be business briefings, home parties, training sessions, etc. They are an excellent way to meet new people and get your name and vision out there.
5. Attend all Team Beachbody Corporate events.
Team Beachbody holds numerous corporate events, the largest being the annual Coaches Summit. Every Team Beachbody Coach should plan on attending this important and inspirational event. In addition, there are numerous regional events.
6. Treat your Team Beachbody business like a business.
The cost to start a Team Beachbody business is very low. The initial sign up fee is only $39.95, which includes the first month of the a monthly service fee of $14.95. With costs that low, it is easy to slip into the trap of not treating your business like a million dollar opportunity. Avoid that trap.
7. Apply the Laws of Duplication.
The Game Plan System is designed to be implemented by anyone. Everyone can do the things on this list. Some coaches have tried to reinvent the wheel and put complicated recruiting systems into place. That may work for that individual coach, but new coaches need systems they can work with on Day 1. That’s the Law of Duplication.
8. Commit to personal development.
Read 10 pages of a personal development book and listen to 15 minutes of personal development audio every day. This is simple and has benefits that are too sweeping to describe here. Your business will only grow as much as you do, so take this one seriously.
9. Find a Success Partner.
The Team Beachbody coaching business is a lot like Beachbody fitness programs. They both work better when you have an accountability partner. This is a person that you can talk to regularly about what is going on in your business. We believe it is best done between an upline sponsor and a rising leader. This gives the upline Coach and their sponsor the ability to work closely for 60 days to build in a specific area and achieve some specific goals.
10. Be here a year from now.
Your first year in network marketing isn’t just survival, it is war. Because the costs of getting into the business are low, the returns are not instant. If you paid $2 million to open a hamburger franchise, you could expect to see immediate returns the day you open the doors. This business is built on sweat equity. You have to give it time and you have to be willing to stick with it to see gradually increasing profits. With a commitment to these principles, and consistent effort, the profits can be substantial.
Want more info on being a coach? on the Beachbody Game Plan? Click on the button below and we’ll get your questions answered.
Neither Ward5000 Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a The Fit Club Network) or Beachbody guarantees any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at "Statement of Independent Coach Earning" for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.