Beachbody Coach Summit 2012: The Balancing Act
Monica and I have been asked to speak at Team Beachbody Coach Summit 2012. We are really excited about this! It has been a goal of mine to speak at a Summit since my first one in 2009.
The name of our presentation is “The Balancing Act.” A bit vague, I know. It’s really about how to live life on your own terms. About four years ago, we realized that we were not living life on our terms, now were we really even in control of our lives. So, we decided to change all that. In the process, we took a lot of time to think about what we really wanted and how we really wanted to live.
It starts with really dialing in and understanding your priorities, principles and activities, then using your schedule to find a balance between all those things so nothing suffers. How many people do you know that are in great shape, but the rest of their life is a mess? Know anyone that makes a ton of money, but they can’t hold on to a relationship? People typically live life like this because they are out of balance. They’ve taken one priority in life and elevated it so far above the others that there is no room for anything else. I’ve been there and I can tell you firsthand that it is not a particularly happy existence.
So, we really want you to come see us at Beachbody Coach Summit 2012! Maybe we can give you a few thoughts on how to tackle finding balance in your life. Your priorities may be vastly different than ours. That’s fine, because it’s about showing you how to live life on YOUR terms.
Here’s a little video teaser for you:
UPDATE: It was a great experience! We talked about how to make everything fit together. How to determine what’s important to you in your life and, then how to use your calendar to make those things happen. We’ve been blessed to have a lot of good teachers and wanted to share this information with you, because we know it can enhance your life (whether you are a Coach or not).
We’d love to answer any questions you have beforehand—or just connect. Just click below and that’ll happen.
Neither Ward5000 Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a The Fit Club Network) or Beachbody guarantees any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at "Statement of Independent Coach Earning" for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.

Hey that was a great video! Love you guys!