From Customer to Beachbody Coach
In our latest podcast, we talk about the journey from customer to Beachbody Coach.
Once someone decides to commit to a health and fitness regime, I believe they go through a simple progression. First, they learn new skills. Second, they practice those new skills. And, finally, they achieve some success. After that, a few people will decide that they want to take the next step and teach other people how to do what they did. That’s how pretty much all of our downline coaches went from customer to Beachbody Coach.
Coaching is NOT for everyone – and THAT’S FINE! I totally get that. Not everyone wants to be a doctor, or a painter, or a plumber, or a lawyer, or a Team Beachbody Coach. Hey, I decided I didn’t want to be an attorney after 10 years of doing it, so I’m all about doing what you love and what’s a good fit for you.
But, for those who are, let me just reassure you that teaching isn’t a prerequisite to getting healthy and fit. It’s really a reward for doing so. Don’t let your lack of teaching experience get in the way of helping people get healthy and fit! Just stay focused on the primary objective – helping people navigate the process of learning and practicing new skills – because that’s what leads to success. And, success in health and fitness is our mission!
Listen to our podcast to learn more about the journey from customer to Beachbody Coach:
Neither Ward5000 Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a The Fit Club Network) or Beachbody guarantees any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at "Statement of Independent Coach Earning" for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.