Fit Club Network Beachbody Challenge Group Reviews
Every so often I ask the people in my P90X Challenge Groups to give me their thoughts on the group as they approach the final phase. So, you don’t just have to take our word for it…check out our Beachbody challenge group reviews left by the people we coach.
P90X Beachbody Challenge Groups
Mechelle W.—I’ve had major success with P90X and lost 91 lbs in your challenge group! The accountability and constant support made all the difference for me. I learned how to incorporate the nutrition program with the workouts and what that really means. It’s not enough to just do the workouts on your own. I’d encourage anyone to take the opportunity to work with you one on one and rise to the challenge. X3 is an awesome program, and I am continuing my journey with it. Best move I ever made!
Adam C.—This was my third round of P90X. I’ve never really been in a group like this before so I didn’t really know what to expect to be honest, but I am very glad that I took the leap of faith. Everyone approaches their involvement in the group differently; some are vocal, posting everyday, and others just pop in occasionally. Personally, I would recommend a daily update on your progress. When you have those days that you just can’t be bothered (we all have them) I knew I couldn’t pop on the page and update that I had actually worked out. For me, that kept me in check. In short, I would say the group helped motivate me to press play on at least 10 days when I didn’t want to. Join up…what have you got to lose?
Kirk H.—Joining this group was the best thing I’ve done in awhile. I’d been doing P90x for awhile but never really accomplishing exactly what I wanted results wise…life just gets in the way sometimes ya know? But being in a group like this changed that. It first reenergized my desire for the results I wanted. Second, you had others that were sore with you and encouraging you to keep going. Third, it refocused me on my diet and how important it is to eat right during these 90 days and in general. Fourth, the importance of stretching, yoga and the recovery drink. And fifth, mo people is mo fun…I encourage everyone to get in one of these groups. It’s been great. Keep pushing play, do your best and forget the rest…this works.
Katie B.—Joining the group gave me accountability. I had daily reminders, comments from others going through the workouts, and posts that made me more dedicated. It was also awesome to have a place to ask questions and to see that others had the same struggles I did.
Tammy D.—I had purchased P90X years ago and have never been able to complete it even after numerous attempts. Joining Dave’s challenge group changed all that! Dave’s numerous videos explaining what to expect each week and phase of the program really guided me along the way and helped me understand the science behind P90X and the concept of muscle confusion! I am so proud to say that this time I will be successful in completing P90X and I owe it all to Dave and being part of this awesome challenge group! Thanks everyone I couldn’t have done it without you all!
Logikil H.—These groups are a major motivator. Just when you feel like giving up or feeling discouraged, somebody posts an inspiring post about their workout that day. It’s awesome. 30 minute workouts with a support group, how can you fail?
Darren A.—To anyone embarking on P90X3, I would STRONGLY recommend joining Dave’s challenge group. I can hand-on-heart say that it was instrument in helping me getting my workouts done. The group of guys and girls have been fantastic and a huge support, they really spurred me on and held me to account. Dave, as always, has been fantastic in his tips, motivation and support, not just in terms of the workouts, but advice pertaining to nutrition as well.
Shoop D.—P90X3 is worth it! The Fit Club Network and Monica and Dave are the best coaches! They explain everything in great detail, and bring a level of support that can’t be found elsewhere. They have many success stories with PROVEN results. You aren’t just joining a group that says they are committed. The people in these groups help you stay motivated throughout the first day past the 90th day!! If you miss a day, there is no hate or bashing, just plenty of people stretching a helping hand out to get you back on track! You will not regret!!!
Suzie S.—This has been an amazing program and awesome accountability group. Somehow, just knowing others are attacking the same workout with me keeps me pushing forward and trying to do just a little more when sometimes I just didn’t feel like it. All the nutrition tips have helped immensely as I embarked on cleaning up my nutrition and overall health. Don’t hesitate. Jump on board. You won’t regret the investment in your health.
Matt A.—I found Dave and Monica’s Jan 6th P90X3 group a key factor in my participation. Working out at home on your own is easy to skip, but having a group to share your highs and lows of a routine is excellent. P90X3 is good, a mixture of some moves that you will love and soon learn to love and there are those that you will hate….taken all together however gives you a fun experience. The nutrition guide is one of the best I have seen (however you implement it) and I continue with to this day. Making adjustments is easy and the 30/40/30 ratio I have found works excellent. If you have P90X3, or thinking of getting it all I can say is try it out, join the group Dave is offering and have fun.
FREE Fitness Coaching
So why choose us as your coaches? Why join a Fit Club Network Beachbody Challenge Group? First, we are both P90X Certified Trainers. Second, we’ve done all of the P90X Workouts multiple times ourselves. Third, we focus on nutrition because we know that’s going to bring YOU results [along with your hard work and commitment, of course.] Fourth, our Facebook groups provide you with structure, information, motivation, and accountability. Finally, there are two of us…and, we’re both free. It’s highly likely that one of us will click with you and you’ll be on your way to achieving your health and fitness goals.