21 Day Fix Double Workouts
Hey, Coach Dave here. Today is Day 2 of my latest round of the 21 Day Fix. I wanted to talk a little bit about doing 21 Day Fix double workouts.
Double workouts are nothing complicated—it just means you work out twice in one day. That’s it.
At first, working out twice a day might sound intimidating and overwhelming—not to mention time consuming. I mean, the realities of most of our lives already make it difficult to set aside time to do ONE workout, let alone two. And, then there’s whole showering thing.
Another reason why doing a double workout every day is tough is because of nutrition. You have to change up your daily intake of food to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition that will help your body recover from your workouts. If you don’t fuel your body, it’s going to crash.
All that being said, on good days—when you’re feeling super energized and have the time to double your exercise routine—why not just do it? If you’re serious about reaching your goal, this will help you reach it faster for sure.
Taking on 21 Day Fix double workouts is challenging, but if you have the right attitude, they can give you an extra energy boost and feel like a breath of fresh air. It doesn’t have to feel like a boot camp that you barely survive.
One thing to watch out for—it’s typical for people not to give 100% during the first workout because they are trying to save some energy for their second one. If you’re going to do it, do it right! You’ve got to give 100% during BOTH workouts.
Watch this video for my thoughts on 21 Day Fix double workouts:
If you want to hear Coach Monica’s perspective, check out her post—COACH MONICA’S 21 DAY FIX FAQ SERIES: What is the 21 Day Fix Double Option?.
If you’re interested in getting coached for FREE by my partner and 21 Day Fix specialist, Coach Monica, click the button below to get started. We believe in giving a lot to our fitness family, so expect to get a ton of info, support and motivation! She even has a private 21 Day Fix support group on Facebook.