Can I Drink Alcohol on the 21 Day Fix?
Would you be surprised if I told you that THIS is the question I get asked the most — can I drink alcohol on the 21 Day Fix? LOL, it most definitely is.
Of course, the main reason I get asked this is because it’s tough for many people to completely give up wine or cocktails. Some are also confused because they might be comparing the 21 Day Fix to the Ultimate Reset Cleanse and the Ultimate Reset is a 21 day cleanse that DOES prohibit alcohol.
The good news is that the 21 Day Fix gives you a little more flexibility than the Ultimate Reset when it comes to alcohol consumption. Don’t get too excited…it’s not very much, but it’s something.
Watch this video where I answer the question — can I drink alcohol on the 21 Day Fix — in more detail:
Note that the answer to this question is different if you’re looking to do the 21 Day Fix Extreme. On this much more intense program, there is NO alcohol allowed—and the nutrition is MUCH stricter. Read my post on the 21 Day Fix Extreme to learn more.
The more educated you get on nutrition and fitness, the more likely you’re going to reach your goal and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. If you want to understand how alcohol impacts weight loss, you can learn more here—How Does Alcohol Affect Weight Loss?
I hope I answered your question — Can I drink alcohol on the 21 Day Fix? Be sure and check out the other videos in my 21 Day Fix FAQ series:
Get My FREE 21 Day Fix Meal Plan
Initially, you might feel overwhelmed with the 21 Day Fix Nutrition Plan. Please, please, please don't. I am here to help—and so is my private online 21 Day Fix group.
Just like all life changes, you will go through an adjustment period while you learn new ways of thinking and doing and then...VOILA! It will become second nature and you'll be living a healthy lifestyle. Don't focus on what you have to lose, but on what you have to gain!
I created a FREE meal plan to help people who are new to the Fix get started. I also created a Getting Started Guide. It's all about the tools you use—and my FREE coaching is one of your most powerful tools. If you don't already have a Beachbody Coach, you can assign me as yours HERE.