It’s About Time! Coach Dave’s Free Time Management Training
The way you use time, largely defines how your life will turn out. I want your life to turn out awesome—so I want you to take advantage of my FREE time management training.
My life has been a little crazy in the last few years. But, between juggling personal and work-related obligations, travel, and my regular exercise routines, I still managed to find time to closely mentor a group of people.
Time is a precious commodity, which we should all use wisely. In fact, time is the most valuable resource we have. People who are extremely efficient with their time are typically pretty successful.
Now, I use the term “successful” very broadly, because I recognize that each and every one of us has our personal definition of success. My definition of success is not likely the same as yours. I want you to take some time to clearly define what success looks like to YOU and then I’d like to help you develop a schedule that get’s you there.
Over the past five to six years, I have found a way to manage my time efficiently and according to my needs and my definition of success. I finally I managed to get rid of the things that weren’t helping so I can live like I want to—so that I’m able to do the things I want to do. That doesn’t mean I don’t have obligations or chores that require my attention, but I do feel I am in a good place time management-wise, which is why I decided to share my time management tips with you.
Figuring out what’s important to you is the next step. I want you to think really hard about what are the most important things in your life. You can get a little help with that in this post by Monica—The Importance of Core Commitments.
Now, look at all that you do and see if these activities fit your priorities.
Here’s a video with more info on my FREE time management training:
If you're not where you want to be, let's get you started with my free time management training TODAY. We'll begin with dialing you into your top priorities in life and then you'll learn how to schedule your life and be super efficient with your time. Click below to start getting it done so you can go have fun!