21 Day Fix for Guys
Let’s talk a little bit about the 21 Day Fix for guys — because, we guys are a tad different than women, right? EQUAL, but different.
As most of you probably remember, Monica has been doing the 21 Day Fix since it came out. Autumn Calabrese’s eating plan turned out to be a really great fit for her. And, it didn’t take long before she was talking to me about joining her on the program.
I knew that I wouldn’t be the first guy doing the program, but, I must admit, I was pretty apprehensive about it at first.
Guys and the 21 Day Fix
I wanted to get some guys’ point of view, so I posted a quick message on my page — The Fit Club Network — where I asked guys about their experience with the 21 Day Fix.
It was a total crack up…you can check it out here:
The 21 Day Fix Workouts
Most people seem to think that I'm hesitant to do the 21 Day Fix because I think the workouts are too easy. Ohhhh, noooo...I know better than that.
I actually had the opportunity to meet AND work out with Autumn Calabrese at our 2014 Diamond Coach Leadership Retreat, so I had a pretty good idea of the intensity of the workouts. The workout we did for about an hour in soft sand wasn’t easy by ANY stretch of the imagination. It was HARD.
Here's a little footage of our 21 Day Fix Extreme workout with Autumn...I hope it will convince you that workouts are plenty hard:
I actually do Lower Fix about once a week. I love that workout! I'm in training for ski season and this workout is one of my two "leg day" workouts.
The 21 Day Fix Food Containers
It wasn't the workouts that had me hesitant to dive into this program. The thing that does bug me is the 21 Day Fix food containers.
They are all in very girly colors—like pink and lavender—and it's just not my style. I know this might sound silly, but this is part of what I’m hung up on right now.
The other part is that I just like doing things my way. You see, I learned what's important about nutrition and figured out how to prepare food in my own way back when I did P90X for the third time. Even though the 21 Day Fix technique may be even easier, it's a bit more structured than I want.
I guess you could say that I have a case of "Containerphobia." Find out more in this video:
The bottom line on the 21 Day Fix for guys—if you're cool with the structured eating plans and the colored containers, you'll love this program.
So, tell me...what are your thoughts on the 21 Day Fix for guys? What should I do??? Leave me a comment below or shoot me an email and let me know your thoughts.
UPDATE: Since I wrote this post, Beachbody added a new nutrition program that is a perfect fit for me. It has less structure, no containers and works with any fitness regime I'm doing. If you're like me and resistant to the containers, definitely check out the 2B Mindset. I was fortunate enough to be in the 2B Mindset test group where I learned a lot. I'm happy to talk to you about both options in more detail.