The Importance of Relationships
I am a Beachbody Coach—co-founder of one of the largest teams in the company. I love to surf and ski. But, there is something I would like to share with you that might be hard for you to believe. A little hint—I just recently fully grasped the importance of relationships.
The “something” that might surprise you is that I am actually a pretty shy person. I find big social events somewhat uncomfortable—even awkward.
Now, don’t get me wrong—this does not mean I don’t love people. If you follow me at all, you know I love people and I am passionate about helping them. I just prefer to do that from the comfort of my own home. Speaking at big social events is WAY out of my comfort zone.
But, I do it quite often. Why? Because I made a conscious choice to overcome my social fears and discomfort.
Once I was invited to go on a ski trip with a big group of guys. I didn’t know everyone on this trip, which was a HUGE deal for me at the time, so I was super apprehensive about going. To make a long story short, I pushed myself to go and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only did I have the time of my life, but I had the opportunity to make some amazing friends with whom I’m still in touch.
Something monumental happened while I was on this trip. I realized that I cannot live in isolation. As comfortable as it may seem, it is not good for anyone to be alone too much. We all need a support group—people who will pick us up when we fall down. People who will say “You’re going to be okay” when you question if you will be.
My buddies and I started brainstorming and discussing how we can be better and overcome our discomforts. We talked about people who we could look up to and learn from about success and decided it was the ones at the top of the Beachbody coaching organization—the founders, the Elite coaches, and Top Coach Josh Spencer. We also decided we wanted to expand this beyond our Facebook audiences because we wanted it to be more personal.
This is how the Training Camp Live event was born.
The moral of my story as it pertains to you is—DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY.
Just because you might feel apprehensive at first about showing up when you do not know anyone, that doesn’t mean you won’t have a good time, make new friends, and learn something new.
Be brave. Get out of your comfort zone. You’ll be happier and more successful when you surround yourself with a good community simply because of the importance of relationships.
If you’d like more information about the next Training Camp Live event, click below or shoot me a personal message.