Why Do a 3 Day Cleanse?
Why do a 3 day cleanse? Oh, let me count the whys (maybe you can relate!):
- You’ve been pulled in a million different directions lately—and you’ve been eating like crap.
- You just got back from vacation—and you want to flush your body of all the toxins from too much food and drink.
- You’re ready to kick some bad eating habits (like sugar cravings!)—that have been controlling you for far too long.
- You have a special event coming up or the holiday season is approaching—and you’d like to weight a few less pounds.
- You want to get a handle on that steady weight gain—before it becomes a daunting problem.
- You’ve decided to start treating yourself as good as your car—and get regular tuneups.
- After being on track, you feel a case of the blahs coming on—and you need a boost.
- Or, maybe you’ve already made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle and you’re just looking for a little kickstart or a way to help you maintain your results.
For me, a 3 day cleanse is just another way I gear myself up for another round of the 21 Day Fix so I can max my results.
If one of these speaks to you, I have fabulous news—3 day cleanses are a super effective solution to all of these situations.
My Two Favorite 3 Day Cleanses
I have two favorite 3 day cleanses—the 3 Day Refresh and the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse. Here’s a little info on each of them:
The 3 Day Refresh
The 3 Day Refresh is Beachbody’s official 3 day cleanse. It’s simple and complete.
There are two main reasons I appreciate it:
- I don’t feel like gnawing my arm off while I’m cleansing. The nutritional supplements that come with the 3 Day Refresh (Shakeology, the Vanilla Fresh Shake, and the Fiber Sweep drinks), and the meal plan detailed in the Program Guide, ensure that you don’t starve.
- It’s super simple.
The 3 Day Refresh Program Guide is very easy to follow and has everything you need (except the food, which you can get at your regular grocery store) to get you smoothly through all three days.
Click here to learn more about the 3 Day Refresh:
The 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse
The 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse is an unofficial cleanse you can get directly from me. It’s a combination of salads, basic protein, and Shakeology and also keeps me satiated while I’m cleansing.
Most people who do it lose about 3-5 pounds (much of this tends to be water weight) and, most importantly, break some bad habits, keep on track, flush toxins from your body, and/or recharge your system.
Click here to learn more about the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse:
So why do a 3 day cleanse? TO FEEL GOOD! Give one of them a try and you’ll know what I mean.