How to Get Started on the 21 Day Fix
Are you overwhelmed or paralyzed just thinking about how to get started on the 21 Day Fix? TRUST ME—this program is NOT difficult and it is my mission to help my customers keep it simple and get started right!
After coaching hundreds of people through the 21 Day Fix program, I can tell you this with total confidence—if you get clear on your core commitments (your WHY), invest some time in getting educated on being healthy, be open to new ways of thinking and being, and SIMPLIFY, what seems overwhelming now WILL become second nature before you know it.
The 21 Day Fix is NOT a diet—it is a LIFESTYLE. And I am here to help you make the change so you can be your best and healthiest you.
Remember to be kind to yourself as you start this process—and while you are going through it. Changing a lifestyle is not an easy task. It’s taken you years to form your current habits and it’s going to take some time to replace them with new, healthier ones. It WILL happen IF you are truly committed. (By the way, there’s a BIG difference between being “interested” and “committed.).
Before I cover how to get started on the 21 Day Fix, I want to show you an example of a 21 Day Fix meal.
21 Day Fix Meal Example
Like most of the Beachbody programs, the 21 Day Fix comes with a structured nutritional plan. To give you a better idea of what to expect, here’s a sneak peak of one of my very own 21 Day Fix meals.
I want to reiterate something that you’ll find us talk a lot about on this site—nutrition is the MOST important component of your weight loss plan. Why? Because you can’t out-exercise a bad diet! If you want to get the best results possible (and why wouldn’t you???) you MUST commit to the portion control nutrition plan that is an integral part of the 21 Day Fix.
Not only is eating well while doing the 21 Day Fix crucial from a caloric standpoint, but it is super important to give your body all the necessary nutrients it needs while you are pushing it harder. This will give you the energy you need and aid muscle recovery. Eating the necessary proteins, vitamins, and fibers can also strengthen your bones, help you detoxify, and lead to younger-looking skin, while rejuvenating cell production.
One of my meals for today includes eggs, chickpea hummus, and 10 carrots. Check out this video with my 21 Day Fix meal example:
Did you notice that color-coded food list in the video? You can print it out here—Coach Monica’s 21 Day Fix Food List! This is perfect for hanging on your fridge or taping in your pantry for meal planning reference.
So, let’s get started! There is no deadline on completing these steps. In fact, being thoughtful and thorough is going to be more effective than rushing in the long run. Just take one step at a time and guess what? You’ll move FORWARD!
Coach Monica’s Steps to
Get Started on the 21 Day Fix
One of the best things about Beachbody is that they enable me to coach my customers for FREE. It’s included in the price of their products and, of course, it’s PRICELESS. (This means you do NOT get this benefit if you buy the knock off containers from Wal-Mart or Target.)
Coaching is a HUGE benefit for you! People who use coaches (and are ACTIVE in challenge groups like my private Fix Family group on Facebook) are the ones who rock this program and GET RESULTS.
Now, of course, I have to make money somehow so I can pay my bills! Having me assigned as your Coach and getting your Beachbody products through me is how this happens. So, if you’ve decided to work with me and/or be in my Facebook group, please do the assignment here (again, it’s FREE!):
(If you already have a Beachbody Coach, please contact them for help with this process and have them add you to their challenge group.)
I want you to feel REALLY good about the 21 Day Fix, so you can clear away any lingering doubts that will only serve as excuses that will impede your progress.
Understanding the science behind anything we do to help our bodies empowers us, so please read this post—Does the 21 Day Fix Really Work?
I also want you to spend some time checking out my 21 Day Fix FAQ Video Series.
Once I'm assigned as your Coach, it's time to purchase the program IF you don't already have it. To see all the different options you have for accessing the program AND to buy the program, go to our 21 Day Fix page.
Just to be clear—I definitely recommend getting the Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack route because you will have access to HUNDREDS of workouts, lots of special features AND, most importantly, Shakeology WILL maximize your results on the 21 Day Fix!
Nutrition makes a HUGE the difference in your results, so it's SUPER important for you to get familiar with the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan.
Once you get hold of the Portion Fix eating plan (either in the mail or from your On Demand library), carve out some quiet time for you to get to know it. Open the box, spread out the contents, and check it ALL out.
I also want you to read my post on Understanding the 21 Day Fix Containers.
NOW, here is an important tip for you to STOP the overwhelm—I want you to IGNORE most of the foods on Autumn's food lists!
That's right—IGNORE THEM. Autumn put together A LOT of delicious food options (and some great recipes) in the Eating Plan—BUT, when you are first starting out, I want you to KEEP IT SIMPLE.
Here's exactly what I want you to do—go through each container's food list and write down FIVE things that you like and already eat from each one. Stick with what you know and love at the start—you can add variety after you've gotten the hang of things.
ONE EXCEPTION—I really want you to consider Shakeology as one of your Red list foods because it is SO simple and has incredible dietary benefits and suppresses your appetite.
Here's a few more important things for you to read—Simplifying the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Food List Tips.
Clean out and re-organize your fridge and pantry, getting rid of as much of junk food as you can. If you don't have unhealthy food in your house, you won't eat as much unhealthy food!
Obviously, this is challenging if you have kiddos. What I want you to start doing is to SHOW them healthy eating habits and get them INVOLVED in the preparation of GOOD food. They are watching you and it's important to equip them with knowledge and healthy habits NOW. (Get them to help with Step 6 too!)
Buffet style meal prep is KEY to success with the Portion Fix Eating Plan (or ANY healthy nutrition program). Why? Because it TOTALLY simplifies healthy eating.
Instead of going crazy, getting overwhelmed, and eventually burning out from preparing complicated recipes AND/OR cooking for yourself AND your family, you will simply turn your fridge into a buffet that will feed everyone simply and healthily.
Here's where you start taking "classes"—Buffet Style Meal Prep School.
You've already chosen your short list of Fix compliant foods and been introduced to buffet style meal prep—now you're going to plan your week's meals. The ultimate goal is to keep your shopping list simple, healthy, and affordable. Planning your week's meals using the buffet style meal prep concept will definitely help you do this.
In the beginning, writing things down is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Here is a helpful tool to help you do this—Coach Monica's 21 Day Fix Meal Planner. (You can also use the 21 Day Fix app—see below.)
Once your simple buffet style meals are planned, write down your shopping list and take it to the healthiest store you can, buy organic whenever possible, and STICK WITH YOUR LIST!
You can use the 21 Day Fix to track your nutrition, plan your workouts AND track the amount of water you've consumed for the day. You can learn more about it here—What is the 21 Day Fix App?—and download it here:
You should also check out the (newer) Nutrition+ app!
Never Stop Learning!
Knowledge is POWER and POWER will help you sustain your new lifestyle! After you've soaked up all there is to learn on how to get started on the 21 Day Fix, I want you to continue to learn—to help yourself AND others.
One of the things you'll learn by doing is how the allotment of foods in your containers impacts you. You'll notice that certain foods will hold you longer than others. When I first started the Fix, I struggled with feeling starved some days. Instead of giving up, I paid attention to the days when I didn't feel this way and allotted my containers this way EVERY day. It's important to get in tune with YOUR body so you know how to plan meals using the ideal Fix container allotment for YOU. When you're ready to tackle this lesson, you can read more here—My Ideal 21 Day Fix Container Allotment.
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this program—How to Maximize 21 Day Fix Results
And, our blog is a SUPER resource for continuing your education—The Fit Club Network blog
The Final Steps
I am here to help you on your journey. I have fallen so in love with this program, that I decided to become a 21 Day Fix specialist so I can help people even more. If you follow all of my steps on how to get started on the 21 Day Fix, I am confident that you will be successful!
Now, go do these last two steps—
- If you haven't yet signed up for my FREE 21 Day Fix meal plan, do so HERE. You'll get a bunch of helpful tools and tips, and you'll start getting my weekly e-newsletter so you're always up to date.
- If you are not yet a member, I want you to join my private Fix Family group on Facebook by clicking below. An important part of changing your lifestyle is surrounding yourself with positive goal-oriented people who are on the same journey as you. (This group is ONLY for people who have me assigned as their Beachbody Coach, so this is NOT an option if you have not yet completed Step 1!):