Coach Monica’s
21 Day Fix Daily Tracker
(My Daily Success Schedule!)
Do you see before and after pictures and wish that could be you? Guess what? It CAN. But, those major transformations don’t just happen—they are a result of serious commitment to a clear vision and, most often, an investment in tools that help you get there a whole lot easier and faster. The good news is that YOU have the commitment inside of you and WE have the tools. I created a 21 Day Fix daily tracker, which I call my Daily Success Schedule, for those of you are ready to get SERIOUS and for newbies who to start building a solid foundation.
Here is my 21 Day Fix Daily Tracker! Just click to download and print it, then keep reading for more info.
Breaking Down My 21 Day Fix Daily Tracker
My 21 Day Fix Daily Success Schedule has come about based on a couple year’s of my own personal experience. It is a tried and true suggestion that will get you results. The more you can stick to it, the better your chances of success. However, you can modify it to work better for you.
I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I can check a box after I do something, so I included a check box before each item on the schedule! I also left a space under each meal to record your meal for when you’re not using my daily menus. (If you want to be more detailed about your daily meals, you can use my Daily Meal Planner.)
Now, let’s go through the daily schedule row by row.
Performance Energize Pre-Workout Formula
Performance Energize Pre-Workout Formula is one supplement you will feel the effects of almost IMMEDIATELY after drinking. Within about 10 minutes, body parts may tingle and your energy revs up big time as the natural energy boosters kick in. When I drink this before my workout, I work out harder and longer—and that means I burn more calories. It also helps reduce my post-workout soreness.
I drink it in the morning at a time when I can start my workout within 10 minutes.
You can learn more about this supplement here—Beachbody Performance Energize Pre-Workout Formula
Working out first thing in the morning has always been the best route for me—even when it meant me getting up when it was still dark outside. I am able to be the most consistent, because I’m not yet being pulled in a million different directions (mostly because my family is still sleeping!) and I have the most energy because the day hasn’t yet drained me of it.
If working out in the morning is not an option for you, let’s connect and I’ll help you modify this schedule to work with an afternoon workout—Contact Coach Monica
Meals 1-5
If you downloaded my FREE 21 Day Fix Meal Plan, you received this Daily Success Schedule along with my seven daily Fix menus. They are designed to work together to help people get started quickly and easily. (If you haven’t already downloaded my meal plan—and you’re not already working with a Beachbody Coach—click on this link and get your FREE tools right now!)
You’ll notice that I have included the 21 Day Fix container allotment that I have found works best for me on this Daily Success Schedule. If you don’t find this allotment works for you, click on the allotment link to learn more about how I came about this so you can tweak it to better fit YOU.
You’ll notice that Meal 1—on my 21 Day Fix Daily Success Schedule AND on every one of my seven free daily menus—is ALWAYS Shakeology. Why? Because it contains everything needed to be the nutritional foundation of my day.
- It’s a nutritionally complete meal replacement (it IS my healthiest meal of the day).
- It gives me energy (think coffee, but healthier).
- It has an acceptable calorie count (it’s Fix-compliant, counting as one red container)
- It’s quick and easy to prepare (no patience required to get food in my belly!).
- It doesn’t mess with my blood sugar (because it’s low glycemic).
- It’s filling and holds me until Meal 2 (my main breakfast).
When I am really driven and focused on reaching my goal, I add one of these Shakeology Boosts to my morning shake depending on what I feel I need on that particular day:
—Shakeology Greens Boost adds a FULL serving of nutritious green veggies and all the essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy phytonutrients that come with them AND helps support alkalinity. Learn more.
—Shakeology Focused Energy Boost contains guarana and green tea to help you focus and give you more mental and physical energy. Learn more.
Performance Recharge Formula
I end my day with Beachbody’s Performance Recharge Formula. Not too long before I go to bed, I drink it to help my body recover while I sleep. This means less muscle soreness, more muscle growth, and a solid night’s sleep.
You can learn more about this supplement here—Beachbody Performance Recharge Formula.
Questions? Need Help?
If Dave or I are your assigned Beachbody coach, we are available to help you if you need to tweak this 21 Day Fix Daily Tracker to better fit your needs. All you have to do is click below and we’ll get you on track:
REMEMBER—serious results require serious measures. It’s really important to match your expectations with your actions. In other words, have integrity with your health and fitness. If you want to experience the type of transformation you see in the 21 Day Fix before and after pictures, you MUST create a clear vision, fully commit to it, and use every tool at your disposal—including this 21 Day Fix Daily Tracker!