How to Maximize 21 Day Fix Results
I am passionate about helping my customers lose weight with the 21 Day Fix—BUT, I can only do so much. The motivation, commitment, and FIGHT has to come from within YOU. If this fire burns in you, I give you these 11 tips on how to maximize 21 Day Fix results so you reach your goal and then some!
11 Tips to Maximize 21 Day Fix Results
ALL authentic personal development journeys MUST be centered on a “WHY” in order to work.
Successful health and fitness journeys are NOT just about working out and eating better—they are fueled by the core commitments or priorities that resonate within our souls. These are what make us want to reach our goal bad enough that we are willing to fight for it.
There is not a coach on the planet who can give these to you.
If we aren’t clear about our core commitments, we tend to be aimless, reactive, and give up when we just don’t feel like putting in the effort to do the things that are crucial for our well being. Being checked out, over committed, distracted, or unconscious are the main reasons we may not even be aware of what our core commitments are.
So, my first tip on how to maximize 21 Day Fix results is to sit down and figure out what your true priorities are. This post will help you get this done—The Importance of Core Commitments.
Embarking on a SUCCESSFUL weight loss journey requires you to be vulnerable, honest and brave. You have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and, ideally, be consistently engaged with your success partner and/or accountability group.
I wrote this post to help with the honesty part—Having Integrity with Your Health & Fitness
BELIEVING and INVESTING in yourself is definitely how to maximize 21 Day Fix results.
If you’re not willing to make some changes in your budget to get the tools you need to achieve your goals, ask yourself if you’re REALLY serious. What is more important to invest in than your health???
People who are serious about their health don’t think twice about paying for gym dues, a personal trainer, or nutritional supplements that will get their body to peak health and help them achieve their goals. If you try to do it for free, it’s going to be a lot tougher. The cliché is a cliché for a reason—you generally DO get what you pay for.
The great news is that Beachbody is absolutely one of the BEST deals around! Beachbody on Demand membership allows you to live stream a bunch of workouts, including the 21 Day Fix, and gives you full access to the Portion Fix/21 Day Fix eating plan. You pay only $99.95 for the standalone membership or $160.00 for the challenge pack that includes your first month of Shakeology delivered on the monthly Home Direct program. This is an AMAZING deal! (MUCH less expensive than a gym!!!)
Now, let’s talk a little bit about Shakeology, because this will be your biggest investment.
Dave and I are passionate about Shakeology because it works. We have experienced this firsthand AND seen it with numerous customers over the past 14 years. But, you don’t have to take our word for it. It has passed an independent scientific test and been found to curb appetites by more than 50%.
I can’t encourage you enough to shift your thinking and your budgetary priorities so that you can use this nutritional tool. My guess is that you CAN cut back on your cable TV bill or eat out a tiny bit less and make it work.
Here are several ideas to help you find room in your budget—I Can’t Afford Shakeology!
One of the other BIG reasons that Beachbody is such an amazing deal is because they have created a system that provides you with FREE coaching at no additional cost—it’s included in the price of the products you buy!
I want to be clear—most coaches, including myself, are NOT certified nutritionists or fitness experts. If you have a serious health issue or need in depth nutritional support (like for vegan, diabetic, etc. meal planning), you really need the knowledge and support offered by a professional nutritionist.
I am a customer just like you—BUT, I am intimately familiar with Beachbody’s products, am P90X certified, and can offer you a support system that will help you reach your goal IF you have a reasonable amount of self-motivation.
I chose to specialize in the 21 Day Fix so I can offer YOU a wealth of knowledge and resources that will show you exactly how to maximize 21 Day Fix results. Here’s how you can take FULL advantage of me as a coach:
- Complete the Team Beachbody coach assignment process (as much as I’d like to be able to spread good health for free, this step is required for me to actually BE your coach!)
- Sign up for my free 21 Day Fix meal plan
- Email, call and/or text me (you will get my email address and mobile phone number when you sign up for the meal plan)
- Friend request (or accept my friend request) on Facebook
- Request to join my 21 Day Fix Family on Facebook
- Connect with me through Facebook’s Messenger app (my primary mode of communication)
Please remember that I am limited by the same 24 hours that everyone else is, so I may not respond within minutes—but, I WILL respond!
If you want to maximize your results on the 21 Day Fix, you need to FULLY commit to following the program for the entire three weeks. That means ONLY eating approved foods from the 21 Day Fix food list. (NO CHEATING!) and working out EVERY day.
The food list is long so you don’t have to eat foods you don’t like! And, the Fix is NOT about deprivation—it’s about eating RIGHT. Over time, you’ll learn how to allot your food containers so you aren’t starving all the time. And, you will also learn how to deconstruct the comfort foods you and your family love and make them Fix-compliant (like pizza)!
When you do your daily workout, I want you to focus on form and push yourself as hard as you can. If you begin feeling like it’s easy, get some barbell weights or resistance bands. You can also add the 10 Minute Abs Fix workout! It’s important to do the workouts according to the calendar. There’s science behind it! Don’t skip or substitute any of the workouts, especially the active recovery day. Your body needs this.
Remember—it’s only 21 days of your life. And, I happen to know that you can do just about ANYTHING (definitely this) for just 21 days!
Now, I do want to let you know that it’s very likely take more than one round for you to reach that goal you have in your head. You can get a better idea of how many rounds you’ll need by figuring out how many calories you need to burn in order to lose the weight you want here—The Secret to Losing Weight
If you commit to doing the workouts and following the Nutrition Plan to a T, you WILL see results. If you’re skeptical, read this—Does the 21 Day Fix Really Work? (Maybe your skepticism is just another roadblock excuse you need to overcome!)
If you haven’t already, the first thing I recommend you do is read my post on getting started—How to Get Started on the 21 Day Fix. This will have you reading about the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan and familiarizing yourself with the food list.
But, getting educated doesn’t mean you just read the eating plan and that’s it. The more you read, the more you learn how to maximize 21 Day Fix results! You need to keep up with that education and our blog is an excellent place to go to Fix school! (There’s a lot of reading material in this post alone!)
When we overcomplicate things, we eventually give up. Right??? It's just not realistic to sustain an unreasonable amount of work in the long-term. This is why I am HUGE on keeping the nutritional portion of the Fix SIMPLE.
I do this personally by using BUFFET STYLE MEAL PREP. This is far from rocket science. Here's more on this easy method of planning and prepping your meals—Buffet Style Meal Prep School
One of the side effects of simple can be a bit of boredom. Why? Because eating simply means you aren't reinventing every single meal and spending hours on Pinterest looking for new recipes. I ask you this—would you rather be excited or healthy???
I have a thing or two to say about boredom here—Are You Bored Eating the Same Food on the 21 Day Fix?
Sometimes reality challenges us. (Okay, maybe it often does!) Well, a reality of living a healthy lifestyle is that it requires some planning and prepping. Now, as I mentioned in Tip #7, you do NOT need to do complicated planning and prepping and, with practice, you settle into a routine that runs quite smoothly.
I do my weekly BUFFET STYLE MEAL PREP (see Tip #7) on Sundays. This reduces the odds of me cheating and eating non-Fix compliant foods or meals throughout my busy week.
I also set a fixed time—and put in on my calendar—to do my workouts every day. I do them early in the a.m. before the craziness of the day kicks in and I am least likely to get interrupted. This is YOUR time! Being inconsistent with your workouts WILL impact your results!
It's simple—if you don't have junk food in da house, you are WAY less likely to eat it!
At first, you will probably have some cravings and dream about your favorite naughty foods, but this DOES get better over time.
Shakeology will be the healthiest AND easiest meal of your day. It also totally helps boost your energy and combat those junk food cravings. When I get a hankering for an afternoon sugar-loaded latté, my Shakeology makes me all better.
If you're not really clear how to maximize 21 Day Fix results with Shakeology, read this—I Can't Afford Shakeology! Really???
In addition to the On Demand All Access Challenge Pack, there is also a 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack that bundles the workout DVDs and Eating Plan with Shakeology on auto ship!
I can't imagine being on this journey without my Workout Wives! Having someone(s) who supports, challenges, and calls you out when you try to flake is PRICELESS. It's been proven that people who are in an accountability group and/or work with a success partner are MUCH more likely to reach their goals than those who are not.
My 21 Day Fix Family Facebook group is one of the most powerful tools I provide to you. We share a common goal and offer motivation, empathy, support, ideas, tips, meal ideas, and more. And, most importantly, we hold each other accountable.
Now, any form of accountability, whether it be an in person or remote group or person, only works if you are ENGAGED. I encourage members of my group to ask questions, share their frustrations and workouts, and be open to the solutions offered by your fellow Fixers.
One of the best things about my group is the #myfixedplate hashtag! Members post their Fix meals and tag them with #myfixedplate every day and they are just a search away from you.
Have We Connected Yet?
So now you know how to maximize 21 Day Fix results! If we aren't already connected, come get me! Just click on the button below to complete the coach assignment process so we can start working together. I'm super excited to support you (for FREE) on your 21 Day Fix journey!!!