Health and Fitness Goal Ideas
Are you ready to set some goals and need some inspiration? Well, I have some for you! Here are some health and fitness goal ideas to start you off right.
Why is it important to set goals?
Whether it’s a new year, a pivotal birthday or you’re just READY, goal setting is the first active step towards success and taking charge of your life.
Before I pass along some health and fitness goal ideas, let’s look at four reasons why it’s important to set goals:
- Take control over your life. Rather than just letting life happen, setting goals means we are consciously creating it.
- Get maximum results. Goals create a vision for us to work toward and help us shoot higher and get the best possible results.
- Stay motivated. Clear goals give us something to strive for every moment of every day.
- Accountability. It’s one thing to dream, but having goals creates a sense of obligation within ourselves.
When it comes to our health, it’s extra important to set goals. Personal health should always be a priority in our lives. After all, without it…well, life kinda sucks. Ultimately, no one is going to take care of ourselves but us, which is why we MUST be self directed in our health and fitness journey.
Four health and fitness goal setting tips
The good news is that fitness goals are at the top of the New Year’s Resolution list. The bad news is that most people eventually flake out on them.
So I’m going to give you my four most important tips to help YOU be more successful than most and turning whatever health and fitness goal ideas you choose into SUCCESS:
1. Keep your goals simple.
Keeping your goals reasonable and simple makes them achievable and helps to avoid burnout from overwhelm. Baby steps ARE steps. Setting enormous goals and quitting is one way a lot of people stay stuck.
2. Focus your goals more on feeling satisfied, confident and empowered than the number on the scale.
As I’ve discussed in the past, sometimes the scale doesn’t always accurately measure our results and how we feel on the INSIDE is actually MUCH more powerful and motivating than a number.
3. Adapt your goals to YOUR life.
You do not want to achieve other people’s idea of success. The most important aspect about your goals is the fact that you are setting one and it’s YOURS.
4. Give yourself enough time.
It took you a long time to get yourself where you are…give yourself time to re-establish healthy habits. It’s not reasonable to expect sudden major changes in your lifestyle IF you really want the changes to be permanent.
Five health and fitness goal ideas
The more meaningful your goals are, the more you’ll connect with them. The more connected you are with them, the more likely you’ll stick with your goals. Rather than just setting a goal to lose a certain number of pounds, consider giving one of these give health and fitness goal ideas a go instead:
1. Eat healthier.
You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Nutrition is KEY to your success with your health and fitness goals. Choosing a nutrition plan that works for you depends on what your goals are, but a great place to start is by starting to focus on whole food nutrition. Most effective and balanced nutrition plans incorporate healthy single ingredient foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats and limit junk and processed food. Here’s a little nutritional inspiration—Healthy Eating Tips.
2. Improve a specific vital statistic.
Maybe you’re blood pressure, cholesterol or blood sugar is too high or your heart rate goes crazy with just a little effort or you have sleep apnea and rely on a CPAP machine. These vital statistics become more important as we get older, so there’s no time like the present to make sure they’re within healthy levels.
3. Complete a specific workout program.
Combining a workout with good nutrition is KEY. A workout program that has a start and end date is an awesome goal to start with. The sense of accomplishment you get from starting and finishing something is hugely motivating. Keep reading for some of our favorites.
4. Improve your flexibility.
When you try to touch your toes, is there a huge gap? Some people are genetically challenged by poor flexibility, while many people lose it as they age. This is kinda a big deal, because when you’re not flexible, your joints, muscles and bones are all at risk for injury, especially as you age.
5. Get out of your comfort zone.
Getting out of your comfort zone keeps us engaged in life and on a path of growth. Maybe this means running a 5K or 10K or learning a new sport. Challenging yourself to learn something new brings a lot of satisfaction.
Let us help you achieve YOUR goals
OK, now that you’ve got some health and fitness goal ideas to mull over, it’s time to think about some different options for how to accomplish them. Beachbody gives us some AMAZING tools to offer our customers at crazy affordable prices. Here are our very favorites:
1) Ultimate Reset Cleanse: Before we start anything, it’s always a good idea to totally clear our mind and body. The Ultimate Reset Cleanse is an effective “reboot” that’s designed to kickstart your metabolism and get you to a mental place where you can power toward your goals. We highly recommend this as a starting point for losing weight! Learn More (If the thought of a 21 day cleanse intimidates you, give the 3 Day Refresh or the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse some serious consideration. Here’s more info on how even a short cleanse can help you—Why Do a 3 Day Cleanse?)
2) Clean Week: Another excellent starting point for changing your lifestyle is the new Clean Week program, which includes seven days of fitness and nutrition, including Shakeology. It is especially designed to help you to START eating better, losing weight, and welcoming healthier habits. Learn more about the Clean Week Regular Shakeology Sampler or the Clean Week Vegan Shakeology Sampler.
3) 80 Day Obsession: Autumn’s newest integrated program is a ground-breaking Challenge Pack that includes everything you need to get a great butt, flat abs, and a healthier and lighter body. The fitness program, the Portion Fix portion control eating plan, Shakeology and Performance Line supplements all work together to change your lifestyle for the better. Learn more about the 80 Day Obsession and Shakeology Challenge Pack for NEW customers. (If you’re an existing customer, message us and we’ll help you order the right product!)
4) Shift Shop: This program offers you the perfect three-week opportunity to challenge yourself, get your energy flowing and stimulate your muscles and brain. No matter what level you are at right now, you CAN do this! Learn More
5) 21 Day Fix: You’ve heard that it takes 21 days to make a habit, right? The simple 21 Day Fix program was created by Autumn Calabrese to combine simple food choices with easy-to-follow workouts so you can permanently change your lifestyle. It REALLY works! Learn More
6) P90X Workouts. If you’re looking for something that challenges you, gets you soaking in sweat and turns you into the athlete you always wished to be, P90X, P90X2 or P90X3 are an excellent choice. They will improve your flexibility and strength very efficiently. Learn More
7) On Demand Membership: If your attention span with fitness programs is super short or you just love variety, the best deal out there is the All Access On Demand subscription! For one year, you’ll be able to stream your all of the workouts above AND MORE online on your TV or mobile device that’s connected to the internet. This is seriously one of the BEST fitness and nutritional resources out there and, coupled with your commitment, WILL help you transform your body and achieve your goals! Learn More
(If you’re from Canada or the UK, message us and we’ll ensure you get the right program AND still qualify for our free coaching program!)
Get coached for free!
Remember—you do NOT have to do this alone! As Beachbody Coaches, not only are we here to give you these health and fitness goal ideas, but we’re here to help you crush your goal(s) through one-on-one coaching and inclusion in our supportive online communities.
We ALL started as newbies and Monica and I both had such awesome results with Beachbody’s products that we became coaches so we could help others do the same. (Have you read Monica’s story yet? It’s inspiring!) Don’t feel intimidated! We want to welcome you to our fitness family, so click here to get started with us—Free Coaching Program
Once you decide what your first goal is, click on the button below to get started on achieving it: