Trainer Joel Freeman on His New LIIFT4 Workout
and the Beachbody Performance Supplements
I just finished the new LIIFT4 workout by Trainer Joel Freeman and I really liked it! It’s intense and efficient—and perfect to supplement my outdoor sports. In the video above, Joel and Dr. Luigi Gratton, Beachbody’s Group VP of Nutritionals, discuss the Beachbody Performance line of supplements and the new LIIFT4 workout.
About the LIIFT4 Workout
LIIFT4 is Beachbody’s newest program created by Trainer Joel Freeman of the mixed martial arts Core De Force workout. It’s a super efficient intermediate/advanced program designed to build lean muscle and burn mega calories with high intensity interval training (HIIT).
The 32 workouts are only half an hour in length and only four days a week. I’m a big fan of this because I do a lot of other stuff, like cycling and
surfing, and I need something that’s not six days a week so I can keep that up. The workouts are about 15 minutes of weightlifting, then 10 to 12 minutes of high-intensity interval training, core work, then a little bit stretching. No gimmicks, over complication or boredom. Just getting it done. In the gym, this would take me about an hour and a half.
The LIIFT4 workout is intense. Your longest break is 60 seconds and Joel constantly pushes you to do your best so that every second counts. The game is upped in Weeks 7 and 8, but Joel helps you train smart so you don’t overtrain.
The program includes a Nutrition Guide that ensures you get all the protein, nutrients, and healthy carbs you need to keep your body healthy and max your results. The only equipment you need is a set of light, medium, and heavy weights (depending on your fitness level) or resistance bands.
Speaking of nutrition, Joel’s big on drinking Shakeology daily and using the Beachbody Performance supplements.
LIIFT4 and Beachbody Performance Supplements
Joel works the Beachbody Performance supplements into the daily routine of his LIIFT4 workout in order to max each workout and your results. As a result, you’ll have more energy and you’ll recover faster.
After I work out, I drink my orange flavored post-workout Recover supplement—sometimes with water and sometimes with juice, a little bit of frozen fruit, and some creatine to speed the uptake of the nutrients and get some added benefits.
Definitely watch the interview with Joel Freeman and Dr. Luigi in the video above. They explain in detail why you should take Recover after every hard workout. Honestly, I just think it’s crazy not to give your body the supplements it needs before, during and after a tough workout like the LIIFT4 workout.
And, of course, you want to give your body the BEST supplements, right? I want to touch on the Informed Sport Certification really quick.
What is Informed Sport Certification?
So all of the Beachbody Performance supplements are certified compliant with Informed Sports, which is a testing organization that tests for things like banned substances. Athletes really like Informed Sport because they can trust that a supplement is certified by them, they can be sure there are no banned substances in it.
They also test every batch of a supplement for quality and efficacy—there’s a number on the bottom of each container and you can go on their website and look at your particular batch and see exactly what’s in it and make sure that it tested for exactly what it says is on the label.
This is super important to me because I like to eat clean and play clean. Cheaters suck.
I definitely recommend learning about this so you always give your body quality supplements. You can start with my post on this topic—Performance are Informed Sport Certified
Free LIIFT4 Training
Just like with all of the Beachbody programs, you can get coached for free on the LIIFT4 workout.
I can help you get the results you want by going all in and sticking with the program. I can even help you get a 25% discount on your Performance supplements. It doesn’t cost a thing to assign me as your coach, so get to it and let’s get started.