Check Out These 10 Rounds Results & Week 4 of 10 Rounds in Miami
Joel Freeman’s 10 Rounds program is now available for purchase and we want to share some 10 Rounds results, a couple of fun ways for you to work out with us, and the video from Week 4 of the 10 Rounds Tour in Miami so you can join in our excitement.
On second thought, let’s back up just a bit further for a sec…
Have you met Beachbody Super Trainer Joel Freeman yet? Not only is he the man behind the new 10 Rounds program, Beachbody’s first ever high-intensity boxing program, but he’s also the creator of two of our other awesome workouts: Core De Force and LIIFT4.
About 10 Rounds
The 10 Rounds program is a total body workout, with five 30-40 minute workouts that combine punching and weight training. You’ll be doing 3 days of boxing and 2 days of lifting every week for a total of six weeks.
The 10 Rounds program will eventually be included in the Beachbody on Demand library (on October 1, 2020). But, you don’t have to wait!
Here are a couple ways to see if this workout is for you:
- Read about it (and watch the promo video) HERE
- Message me for a FREE sample workout
Week 4 of 10 Rounds Tour
If you’re just joining the tour now, let me fill you in…
Joel and a small team of cast members did a pre-launch tour that stopped in six iconic cities around the U.S.—one for each week of the program.
Week 1 was in Los Angeles, Week 2 was in Las Vegas, Week 3 was in Dallas—and now Miami. At each stop, hundreds of Beachbody customers and coaches had the opportunity to do a live workout with Joel and his team.
Here’s what went down on Week 4 of the 10 Rounds Tour in Miami:
In Week 4 of 10 Rounds, the push is to get stronger, leaner and faster courtesy of Body Shot Crushers. Joel emphasizes “levels” more than ever, teaching you how to punch high and low.
In 10 Rounds, you’re actually training like a real boxer—honing in on your footwork and hand eye coordination—which makes it extra motivating and fun. Joel’s got some awesome tips on how to keep your chest lifted and posture on point this week.
This is the week you’ll increase your weights and go for tighter loops if you can—this is how you’ll maximize your 10 Rounds Results!
Oh, and have you ever done a “sweat check” before??? It’s crazy (and a little gross lol) how much sweat comes off these guys in Miami.
If you’ve never boxed before, do not worry! You CAN shadow box with the help of Joel and his modifiers.
You saw all that sweat—but, do you know what that means? It means you have the potential for a serious transformation and that you are really pushing your body and need to adequately replenish it.
You can pair the 2B Mindset or 21 Day Fix eating plan with 10 Rounds to maximize your results.
As you’ll hear from Joel, drinking Shakeology every day will fill in any gaps in your nutrition and Performance Recover will give you refuel your body, help it recover and be ready for the next workout. We wholeheartedly agree based on our own personal experience.
Here are some more 10 Rounds results of real people who committed to doing the program and using these supplements:
More 10 Rounds Results
Meet Tara D., a school administrator and Beachbody Coach who fully committed to six weeks of 10 Rounds, the Ultimate Portion Fix nutrition program, and the Performance and Shakeology supplements.
Her 10 Rounds results? A 5 pound weight loss and 7″ of size loss.
I loved that the workouts were under 40 minutes…as a busy mom, I don’t have hours to devote to fitness and this workout really delivered in short workouts! I loved the repetitions well. Because we kept repeating the moves and slowly adding on, I went from looking like an uncoordinated buffoon to a badass shadow boxer! Kapow!
Next is Geoffrey W., a marketing executive who combined 10 Rounds with Shakeology and the Performance supplements and lost 18.6 lbs and 11.25″. Wow, just wow.
I have seen amazing physical improvements since completing 10 Rounds. My body has leaned out incredibly –my beer gut has turned into a 6 pack –and I am able to wear jeans that I haven’t been able to fit in for over four years.
The last of our 10 Rounds results is Keichun G., the Director of Coach Development with Beachbody. She combined the 10 Rounds workout with Shakeology and the Performance supplements and lost 9.2 pounds and 3.25″.
I have been picking up jaws since week 3 of the program! People have been so complimentary of my results, asking “what did you really do?” HA! It’s fun, because I answer, “no really, 35 minutes a day, 5 days a week, from my living room, with a hottie trainer!
10 Rounds on Beachbody on Demand
There literally isn’t a better time to get the same level of 10 Rounds results as these three regular people. This is entirely possible from your own home with Beachbody on Demand! Not only does it have the new 10 Rounds workout, but it also has hundreds of workouts for all levels that you can live stream from anywhere you have a mobile device and internet.
We have a FREE sample workout for you—just click below we’ll get you connected.
Next stop…Brooklyn! <<< Click on this link to see some incredible 10 Rounds transformations!