9 Delicious Superfood Smoothie Boosters
Are you searching for quick-fix ideas that can give your body a nutritional boost? Then, you’ll enjoy reading this. A smoothie that gives you instant energy and improves your metabolism is a superfood in itself. However, when you combine these with the real superfoods smoothie boosters, you can be sure of treating your health right.
Did you know that you could make better smoothies with blender bombs?
Often, people pop pills that claim to work as health miracles. Why not adopt a healthier option of enriching your diet with one powerful smoothie? You might just see your health improve just the way you desire.
Superfoods that can give your health a nutritional punch
A superfood smoothie can be concocted with any of the superfood ingredients you like. Every one of these smoothie boosters has its unique contribution and, depending on your need, you could choose a superfood that suits your taste and preference.
Here are some that you can easily pick from your nearest store:
#1 — Aloe Vera
Easily grown, naturally found, aloe vera is known to be beneficial for the skin due to its cooling properties. It soothes the digestive tract and is enriched with anti-inflammatory properties. You can either extract the gel straight from the plant yourself or get a bottle at your local healthy food store.
#2 — Chia Seeds
Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber, chia seeds are a superfood that can give your smoothie an instant protein boost. They are a great source of Omega 3 for vegetarians. Read more on the benefits of chia seeds HERE.
#3 — Apple Cider Vinegar
Yes, you read that right! Apple cider vinegar can find its place in your healthy beverage. However, the key is not to go overboard when adding it to your smoothie. This vinegar variant is packed with acetic acid, which is known to promote metabolism and aid in weight management. Apple cider vinegar also aids in digestion due to its lower pH level, which helps digestive enzymes to work in tandem.
#4 — Raw Cacao
Raw cacao has high amounts of flavonol antioxidants and is available in its powdered form. It can be bought from the market in its raw form. Rich in magnesium and iron, cacao boosts immune health and also has stress-relieving properties. It can help in balancing hormones as well.
#5 — Pea Protein
If you are lactose intolerant and vegan, pea protein can be your go-to health-boosting superfood smoothie ingredient. It is high in lysine, which is an amino acid that helps promote immunity and muscle strength. This is derived from peas, but isn’t just a packet of mashed peas. The protein element found in peas is extracted, isolated, and concentrated through a scientific process.
If you work out regularly, pea protein smoothie can aid in combating post-exercise inflammation and muscle recovery.
#6 — Spirulina
Spirulina is rich in antioxidants and known to be a powerhouse of Vitamins A, B12, and K. The chlorophyll in this green powder will surely give your drink a rich tint. Follow this link to see how you could grow spirulina at home.
#7 — Maca
Maca is close to the radish family and is known to boost health with stress-busting properties. A great source of energy, it is often used to treat headaches. It goes well with nutty flavors, so consider combining it with almonds and coconut in your smoothie.
#8 — Lucuma
A superfood ingredient, lucuma has high concentrations of beta-carotene and is great for the eyes. Packed with fiber and iron, it has a low glycemic load, although it is creamy and sweet. You can blend it with cacao and almond butter to give you smoothie a special punch.
#9 — Baobab
If you wish to improve your skin health, you can’t miss baobab. Rich in Vitamin C, it is known to promote skin health with its contribution to collagen production. Vitamin C is known to fight stress hormones. You could consider using baobab in your smoothie after exercise.
Other Superfoods Smoothie Boosters
Other superfoods smoothie boosters you can rely on for good health are matcha, goji berries, bee products (like honey!) and more.
The only thing you must remember is to ensure adding the appropriate quantity as too much of anything could have adverse effects on your health. Just combine it with your fresh fruits, berries and wash down the toxins as you add a zing of nutrition to your body!