How Is the Control Freak Workout Different? (Plus a FREE Sample Workout!)
Are you wondering about the Control Freak workout? Like what it is and how it compares with other Beachbody workouts?
I’ve been doing this workout with my virtual workout buddies. JOIN US! It doesn’t cost one penny.
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Today I’m here to tell you that the Control Freak Workout is AMAZING — and explain how it’s a little different than some of the other Beachbody workouts.
In this post, I’ll break down the program so you’ll have a good idea of exactly how amazing it is.
The Four Components of the Control Freak Workout
Autumn Calabrese designed the 9-week Control Freak workout herself.
It’s a five-day-a-week program that helps you work out smarter instead of longer using three types of exercises and the underlying philosophy of controlling what you can control.
Each week of the Control Freak Program is like its own mini-program — three days of the week you’ll do DCT-T workouts, one day is for Total Body Tone, and the last day you’ll do Tabata Cardio and Core.
What’s DCT-T? It stands for Density, Strength Complexes and Tabata (HIIT workout) Training.
One of the things I love about Control Freak is that you don’t need a lot of equipment and you can do it right from home through Beachbody on Demand.
Let’s take a closer look at each of the components of the Control Freak Workout:
Density Training
Density training is a way of building strength and stamina by amping up the intensity of your workout.
You’ll do five different exercise moves in as many rounds as you possibly can before the clock runs out.
The most AMAZING benefit of density training is that you workout in less time because you work out HARD, so it’s more efficient.
It’s the ultimate hybrid of strength and endurance training wrapped into one.
And, it’s up to you to control the pace and intensity. The MORE you put into, the more you get out of it!
RELATED | Take Control of Your Health with Control Freak
Strength Complexes
Strength complexes shift your muscle building into overdrive by increasing your time under tension.
How? By holding onto your weights (or resistance band) through EVERY rep of EVERY exercise.
That’s right…you’ll do back-to-back exercises where you don’t let go of your weights until you’ve done ALL the exercises!
By taking a few exercises and turning them into one HUGE set, Autumn helps you maximize your calorie burn, strength gains, and muscle endurance.
Tabata Training
Tabata is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that gets your heart pounding while it torches calories.
You are going to SWEAT as you do short, but INTENSE, bursts of cardio followed by short breaks.
Tabata increases your speed and strength, as well as your endurance.
Here’s a little treat for you…a sample Control Freak workout!
Controlling What You Can Control
The fourth component of the Control Freak Program is mental — it’s about self-control. Controlling what YOU can control.
There are so many things we can’t control in our day-to-day lives (HELLO, PANDEMIC!), but there’s plenty we CAN.
Now’s the time to take back control of the things you’ve let slip out of your grasp.
Start with 1. YOUR time and energy. You control where to invest your time and energy.
There are plenty of people who will sap our energy by controlling our time and attention. We can’t let them do it!
Next on the list of what we can control is 2. What we eat.
We must set attainable goals and get real with ourselves. And, OF COURSE, let go of shame, guilt, and other issues surrounding our body and food.
You ARE in control of whatever you put in your mouth.
And, you know what?? You deserve good health and happiness.
Learn to treat yourself with the same compassion you treat your best friend. Join me in giving yourself the gift of healthy eating through the Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset nutrition programs.
Speaking of what you put in your mouth…3. Stop drinking so many of your daily calories!
Alcohol can really throw you a curve ball if you’re trying to lose weight or keep it steady. Go for a light cocktail and stick with ONLY one.
And, watch those sugary sodas, coffee drinks and smoothies!
What else can we control? 4. Our sleep schedule.
I know…this is challenging! There’s a lot to get done in a day and only so much time in which to do it.
Try going to bed and getting up at the same time every single day, including the weekends. Aim for a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night.
We can also control 5. How much exercise we get.
Schedule exercise on your calendar every single day! Treat it like an important appointment. #NOEXCUSES
There are other many other things we can control that can have a big positive impact on our lives. Like how much TV we watch, what and how much we read, the commitments we make and keep, and our reaction to, well, just about everything!
I wholeheartedly agree with Autumn…these areas are where we need to put our energy and focus!
RELATED | 9 Ways You Can Control What You Can Control
Beachbody’s Amazing Control Freak Workout Program
Like I said, the Control Freak workout program is amazing — and, it checks all the boxes when it comes to what you need to get HEALTHY and FIT!
Are you (finally) ready to invest in yourself for a healthy body, mind, and soul?
If so, we’ve got the tools for you and this includes FREE support and workout buddies so come join me on Facebook and/or Instagram!
Questions? Concerns? Please reach out, because it’s my mission to help YOU reach your health and fitness goals!