A Timeless Wellness Plan
I’m turning 50 this May! Maybe by the time you read this blog I wrote with info on my timeless wellness plan, the big event will be in past tense.
The purpose of my health and wellness blog is to try to demystify the world of wellness and focus on the essentials. You can always level up from there.
As I coach, I have been making meaning out of this journey.
If I focus on the obvious, I started my journey at 31 years old and now I am 50.
That’s right! The baby I birthed, and the postpartum journey I experienced that lead me to Beachbody, has gone through every grade of school and has left to pursue his studies at university.
It also means that I have been exposed to wellness through the Beachbody platform for 19 YEARS!!!
I have no nutrition degree or fitness-related degree. I do have a master’s degree in Education.
So, I pay attention to information, and I know how to break it down into bitesize chunks so it can be absorbed into my brain. That is A LOT of information to absorb over 19 years!
Parts of a Timeless Wellness Plan
I have to tell you something I’ve noticed…wellness plans over the years have had a lot of the SAME information repeated over and over:
- WHAT to eat remains the same!
- HOW to prepare food remains the same!
- CALORIE COUNT and QUALITY OF FOOD for weight loss and long term health is also the same!
- The importance of STRENGTH TRAINING and CARDIO is consistent, too!
- WHERE you exercise varies.
- STRATEGIES to implement successful habits for all of the above varies depending on the goal. You are going to train and fuel differently for a marathon training schedule than you are for a 30-day Beachbody program.
- YOUR LIFE, TIME OF YEAR, and RESOURCES will determine how practical your goals are.
RELATED | Being Self Directed on Your Fitness Journey
I’ll use my life, and the last 125 days (since January 1, 2022), to give you a visual of how you can implement a wellness plan.
By the way…you can follow me on Facebook and on Instagram if you want to see what is looks like in from day-to-day.
The What
I eat a variety of lean protein, vegetables, fruit, whole grains and healthy fat. I eat limited sugar and limited dairy. I completely avoid alcohol.
The How
I barbecue, bake, broil, sauté, and steam my food.
Quality of Food & Calorie Count
I avoid processed foods, eat a variety of the whole foods listed under “The What” and shoot to eat under 2000 calories a day.
Occasionally, celebratory sugar is in order. I’m not a big fan of sugar, so it is not my weakness. But, wine is! That is why I completely avoid it.
I do not count calories.
Your Life, Time of Year & Resources
I am a 50 year old empty nester who works online, so I have the freedom to pursue some activities, like skiing during the ski season. That is my cardio on those days.
I’m always following a Beachbody program and they vary from month to month.
Currently, I am doing the BODi Interactive and I follow a schedule of which type of workout to do on any given day. For example, today is a strength training day and I can choose from 3-5 types of classes that are either live or already recorded on BODi.
The total cost of my fitness and nutrition platform runs me about $28.50 per month. So, less than a dollar a day for my foods system and my workouts with elite personal trainers. Wow, right?
RELATED | It’s Live, It’s Interactive, It’s BODi by Beachbody
Coach Life
Lastly, I’ve chosen to become a leader in the community, which offers me another level of accountability to remain focused on my health. You can, too!
I have been a coach for 15 years and have helped countless other coaches build a community, while remaining focused on their own health. It is a very casual AND meaningful position!
If you are ready to improve your health by creating a timeless wellness plan and/or step into leadership let’s reply to this blog. I’ve got YOU! XO, Monica