What Are Your Deeply Rooted Thoughts?
Sometimes the most heartfelt and honest conversations reveal some deeply rooted thoughts.
The one that really hit home for me lately was my need to be the most right. To be unwilling to do the work. To be prideful. To be perfectly content staying in a space that allows me to remain in victim mode.
I am so grateful for these friends who are willing to go there with me.
“There” is an uncomfortable and challenging place. “There” is the path to true freedom.
The prospect of a better version of me is exciting! The growth required to go “there” is daunting.
I’d like to go “there” with YOU.
I will pose the question at least—what do you REALLY want for yourself?
I know I want to be clear headed and healthy.
I want to be warm and loving.
I want to have amazing experiences and spend quality time with really good people.
When I am working, I want to spend my time helping others learn how to lead healthy communities while working on showing up for themselves consistently.
These pleasurable experiences can be anywhere from being in service to others or spending time in nature.
I want to create a judgment-free space where people can feel safe to work on their self betterment.
I want to have a balance between working toward my bold vision of developing a community of health leaders and spending my downtime creating these memorable experiences with those very leaders.
So, again, I’ll ask “What do you REALLY want?”
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Take some time to connect with your deeply rooted thoughts, answer these questions and let that vision evolve as you do. The more you experience the more they’ll evolve. It’s juicy stuff, I swear!
The other big “A-HA” I experienced was that everything that has EVER held me back has been because I was staying offended because of a disappointing event.
I start by doing something with an expectation and when I don’t get the response I expect, I get hurt, resentful, or whatever other feelings come up.
Whatever it is, I tell myself:
“I am the only one who thinks of everyone.”
“I never have time for myself.”
“I can’t believe she/he burdened me with that.”
‘I can believe he/she did that to me.”
I have gotten stuck in this thought process. Trust me, I’ve come a long way and either do things without expectations or I set healthy boundaries.
However, as long as you stay stuck in a state of offense, you cannot grow. The reason why this is so hard to hear is because I wasted a lot of time in this place.
SO, it’s hard to swallow, but people will say things, they will do or not do things, and they will ask for things all day long — OH, AND SO WILL I!
I most definitely will not get it right. We are human and we will make mistakes. Our job is not to be perfect because that would be impossible.
Mainly because to err is to be human.
Really, I think that the goal of being human is not perfection, but rather reflection, then correction.
We are actually commanded to love — AND we are to give love freely and without expectations. This choice is a practice that leads to incredible freedom.
You then create an environment where you are FREE TO BE (you fill in the blanks).
Always here for you, Coach Monica