Good morning Fit Fam. I’m still cooling down from this morning’s Hard Core HITT with Justin Flexin with my online fitness community. It was a 30 minute high intensity interval session that is part of the 2nd week of the BODi block.
What makes the morning magic varies from day to day however the common denominator is that I keep commitments to myself.

Join the BODGroup for the Online Fitness Community
One of them is attending our morning online fitness community “Fit Club” on Zoom!
I never know who is going to show up for our “Energize” live. However, it’s not completely random. I have emailed and confirmed with people prior to handing out the Zoom info. YOU are invited to join us, just CLICK HERE.
Energize live is a 15 minute period prior to our workout where we visit, ask questions, invest in one another from 5:15-5:30 am PST. Then, we go on mute and push play. Today there was only one person aside from me. We met in a local 40s+ room on Facebook when I proposed an invite to the group. All it took was one person to commit and up. That was part of today’s magic and her consistent attendance has been so appreciated! Accountability is everything.
The HARDEST part for me is the snooze option.
I am quick to hit it to quiet my alarm so I don’t bother my partner. 😳
That is when the hard bargaining starts. 🙈🙈
To skip today, to sleep in, to send the text to say I’m hitting snooze. 😴
“To thine own self be true” Like I know like I know that…..
I WILL NOT in fact make time later in the day to get it done ✅
I always feel fine within a few minutes of getting out of bed 🙌🏻🙌🏻
and the after high of being down with my sweat sesh, my commitment to me and others, well that is THE BEST! 🥳🥳
Are you ready to take yourself on? 💪🏻
Meet up with me 🙋🏻♀️and 🐾 Bebe if it’s even just once a week?
Let 2024 unfold in a magical and methodical improvement of your health and wellness with BODi.
Your dedicated BODi partner 20 years strong!!