Performance are Informed Sport Certified Supplements
A lot of people take sports supplements for a variety of reasons. You might think that if you can buy a supplement in a store or on a mainstream website, it’s safe. Unfortunately, that’s totally not true. There’s stuff out there that ranges from risky to downright scary. So how do you make sure a supplement is safe? Your best (and easiest) bet is to look for the NSF or Informed Sport certification label on the package. I’m proud to say that the Beachbody Performance products are Inform Sport Certified supplements. This is a BIG deal for anyone else concerned about their health AND their standing in any competitive sport.
Keep reading for a lot of good info on this topic and the specifics on the Beachbody Performance Line supplements.
Why Take Sports Supplements?
You probably already understand the benefits of taking nutritional sports supplements—including boosting your energy and performance, maximizing your results, controlling your appetite, and getting some extra help with your weight loss and muscle building. If you’d like to dig deeper on this and get my perspective on this topic, check out this post—Why Take Nutritional Supplements?
Simply put—if you’re doing any endurance sports, supplements WILL help you work out stronger and longer.
Dangers of Dietary Supplements
As I said, just because an over-the-counter supplement is being sold in mainstream stores and on major websites does NOT mean a supplement is safe. The industry of illegal supplements is growing, particularly as a result of the ability to sell them online.
The biggest risk of taking a non-certified dietary supplement is that it may contain dangerous ingredients—like lead, steroids, hormones and stimulants—that can potentially damage your heart, kidneys or liver, increase your chances of getting cancer and/or cause seizures and even death.
One ingredient found in weight loss supplements known as DNP, and marketed under several different names, caused several deaths by speeding up the metabolism too much.
You also have to be careful that a supplement doesn’t interfere with any meds you might be taking.
If you’re competing in a sport, you have to be extremely careful that you don’t inadvertently test positive for performance enhancers. This happens more often than you might think!
Informed-Sport Certification
So what does it really mean that the Beachbody Performance products are Informed Sport Certified Supplements?
Let’s start with who and what Informed-Sport is…
Informed-Sport is a global company that certifies and assesses the quality of sports nutrition products, the suppliers who provide the ingredients AND the manufacturers who make them. If their certification logo is on a product, it means that the product AND the ingredients are regularly tested by a world class sports anti-doping lab and found to be 1) free of banned substances and 2) of high quality. Informed-Sport is the only program that requires ongoing testing.
Informed-Sport certification is extremely in-depth and includes regular onsite inspections and swabbing of manufacturing facilities. They help manufacturers identify and resolve manufacturing issues. (NOTE: The Informed-Sport certification process does not include the testing of finished products.)
It’s no easy feat to pass their rigorous certification process and athletes can be fully assured that products approved by them do not contain any substances that are prohibited in sport and that they have been manufactured with adherence to high quality standards.
Beachbody’s Sport Certification Process
Beachbody’s Performance Line had already received the NSF Certified for Sport certification. However, in order to ensure their sport certification process was more globally recognized, they recently switched to the Informed-Sport Global Sports Nutrition Certification program.
Informed-Sport tests for an equally comprehensive list of banned substances and certifications are on a country-by-country basis.
Beachbody sells their supplements in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. As of the date of this post, the following Performance products were Informed Sport Certified Supplements:
- Performance Creatine
- Performance Hydrate
- Performance Energize
- Performance Recharge
- Performance Recover
Here is a complete and updated list of all of the Informed-Sport certifications of Beachbody products—Beachbody Product Certification List
There’s a solid reason that Iron Man connected with Beachbody and made Energize, and Recharge their official supplements in North America—because they’re certified safe and high quality.
(NOTE: If you happen to get a package or container of one of the Performance supplements that does not have the Informed-Sport certification label on it, it was probably produced during the short transition period between the two certifications. During, and of course after, this transition, Beachbody continued to thoroughly test the Performance supplements for banned substances to ensure that they always met their own strict quality and safety standards.)
Here’s a fabulous video by Informed-Sport that talks about the risks associated with sports supplements and why it’s KEY to use their certified products:
Got Samples?
This is scary stuff and I sincerely hope that you’re not in a place where you want to risk your health over any sport. I highly encourage you to give the Beachbody Performance products, which ARE Informed Sport Certified supplements, a try!
If you’d like to try a free sample of Performance Energize or Hydrate, click on the button below. Any questions, shoot me an email.