
It’s an understatement to say I was out of shape after having my second child.
While I could probably have lived with my overweight body and poor eating habits, I couldn’t live with the fact that my behaviors were directly influencing my two children. I want them to grow up fit and healthy with the tools they needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, my actions were going to speak far louder than my words. So I began looking for a fitness program to get me back into shape.
I was suddenly confronted with a major change in lifestyle.

I started with the obvious and joined a gym and began working with a personal trainer. Although the trainer was great, the gym dues were so expensive and, most importantly, spending more time away from my children after a long day at work was not an option. Ironically, my trainer was the one who told me I could reach my fitness goals exercising less than an hour a day at home. I was skeptical…it sounded too good to be true.
Late one night, while watching TV and nursing my son, I cam across an infomercial for POWER 90. There was Tony Horton offering me the 30-40 minute workout I could complete in the comfort of my own home. I decided to give it a try.
The first few weeks were HARD.
I was sore and slow. But, the Day 1 photos haunted me. Had I really become the person in that picture?
By Day 30, I was down 12 pounds and could really feel it in my clothes. The side-by-side photos amazed me. I couldn’t wait to post them on my thread for my online community to see! I was far from my goal weight, but I was beaming with pride and ready to celebrate with my Message Board buddies.
Day 90 was incredible. In just 90 days, I found myself 23 pounds lighter (weighing in at 139 pounds) and had dropped from a Size 14 to a Size 6! The exercise was truly transforming my figure. Even better, my overall health and attitude dramatically improved.
The next program I tried was Slim in 6. By the end of the next six weeks, I had lost another eight pounds and was down to a Size 4! After that success, I tried Yoga Booty Balley. I had so much fun dancing and sweating. I went on to complete P90X two more times and run four half marathons.
And, the icing on the low cal cake…in March 2007, I won Beachbody’s $10,000 Transformation Contest and, less than a year later, ran in my first full marathon. I was was in the best shape of my life.
Sometimes I shake my head in disbelief.
I never thought I’d come to love exercise and live such a healthy life! I’m thrilled that my lifestyle is positively impacting my family. Anyone around me who wants to change their lives will hear me tell them to get started on a Beachbody program and never look back.
Because I’m incredibly passionate about helping others transform their lives, I became an independent Beachbody coach…eventually forming the Fit Club Network with Dave.
I really look forward to helping YOU reach YOUR goals and feel as healthy, fit, and accomplished as I do!
Neither Ward5000 Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a The Fit Club Network) or Beachbody guarantees any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at “Statement of Independent Coach Earning” for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.