We took all that we learned—during the P90X Certification process and the numerous times we have done P90X—and created this P90X Fitness Guide to help YOU nail this powerful workout.
In order to get the most out of our P90X Fitness Guide, we suggest you do the following:
- Bookmark this page for future reference.
- Watch all the videos—but, not in one day or you’ll get overwhelmed.
- If you don’t already have a Beachbody coach, get started with us (for free).
- Don’t miss our P90X Nutrition Plan Made Easy.
- Complete all the suggested tasks in each video.
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 1
There are some key things you need to do before you can really get going. In this video, we cover everything you’ll need to hit the ground running in Week 1 of P90X.
Here’s your To Do List for the week:
- If you purchased the DVDs, open the box and check everything out; if you have Beachbody on Demand, find all the Program Materials. (We HIGHLY recommend BOD because of all the online resources you get.)
- Read the P90X Fitness Guide
- Read the P90X Nutrition Guide
- Read our P90X Nutrition Plan Made Easy
- Watch the “How to Bring It” video
- Make sure you have all the tools necessary for success—including dumbbells or Resistance Bands and a way to do pull-ups. We highly recommend the Chin-Up Max to help you work up to more pull-up reps AND Beachbody Performance Recover to help your muscles recover.
- If you have On Demand, check out all the tracking and scheduling resources that are available to you. If you don’t, you can use the Beachbody Nutrition+ app—it doesn’t track P90X, but it does help with nutrition.
- Take “Before” pictures and record your measurements.
- Choose your daily workout schedule and input it in BOD or in your calendar.
- Take the Fit Test and record your results.
- Plan to enter our Healthy Bod Challenge contest.
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 2
Week 2 of P90X will bring some new feelings to your body…like pain. This is a natural part of the process and your body will get stronger very quickly. Trust the program and let that happen.
Again, we highly suggest using Performance Recover Post-Workout Formula. Not only will it will significantly help with muscle soreness, it will also help your body heal faster and maximize your your results.
If you feel like Yoga X is too much for you, we recommend you try out the 3 Week Yoga Retreat videos or Yoga MC2 from Tony Horton’s “One-on-One” series, which are both included in the BOD membership.
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 3
It takes 21 days to form a habit and you’re creeping up on that point.
By now P90X is either a part of your daily life—or you’re missing workouts left and right and starting to stray from the path. If it’s the former, this is your week to really BRING IT! Next week is Recovery Week, so push yourself hard this week.
If it’s the latter, it’s time to get committed to this process. A resolution is nothing more than a decision. You need action and action requires commitment. Go back and watch the Week 1 video and spend some time really considering why the P90X program is important to you. You need a BIG reason to commit to something like this, so find one. And, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need some help getting refocused.
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 4
Week 4 is RECOVERY WEEK! We get to rest. Okay, not so much.
“Recovery” and “rest” are two totally different things. Rest is what you do on the seventh day of the week and when you’re sleeping. Recovery workouts are a totally different animal. You won’t be much weight lifting this week and when you do, it’ll be at a pretty easy rate.
Here’s a helpful video on when to switch phases in the P90X Nutrition Guide:
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 5
Week 5 is the beginning of Phase II with new moves, new workouts, and new pain. Here’s what’s on tap for this week:
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 6
If you’ve made it this far, you should congratulate yourself. Not that many people are able to stick with P90X. Here’s some info about “time under tension” and how that might just kick your results into high gear:
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 7
This week is about change, but then so is every week.
Why? Because it’s is based on exercise science that puts your body under different levels of stress at different times so your body can only reach a certain level of performance before you must allow it to recover.
You need to be doing everything you can to master this week, so you can get ready for Recovery next week.
Here’s a visual of the P90X general workout and recovery cycle:

P90X Fitness Guide — Week 8
This is the second Recovery Week and it is essential for your overall performance.
We covered the essentials of recovery in Week 4—the first Recovery Week. In this video, we talk about supplements and how they may be the edge you need going into Phase III of the P90X program.
NOTE: Results and Recovery has been discontinued and replaced with the Performance Recover Post-Workout Formula. We highly recommend it!
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 9
This week is the beginning of Phase 3 of P90X—time to finish strong.
This is a really good time to take stock of what’s been going on for you and where you want to take your body next. More cardio? More weights? Another round of P90X, P90X2 or P90X3?
Give it some thought as you finish up. If you have any questions, shoot us a message.
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 10
This week we shift back to our “All Push” (chest, shoulders + triceps) and “All Pull” (back + biceps) workouts. You’ll remember these from Phase II.
How are you doing? What’s left for you to accomplish? What parts of the program did you dominate? Which ones did you struggle with? What results do you notice and appreciate most? Do you have any questions? LET US KNOW!
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 11
The finish line is in sight! You should be so very proud for changing your life.
Have you ever thought about encouraging others to do what you did? It is incredibly fulfilling to help others reach such a huge goal. Before you quickly write off this idea, just watch this video:
We have a wealth of information on how to be a Team Beachbody coaches. Click HERE to start your research.
P90X Fitness Guide — Week 12
CONGRATULATIONS…you have conquered P90X!
This is QUITE an accomplishment. It’s something most people can’t—or won’t—do, so you should count yourself among an elite class. Take a minute to soak that in (somebody said that once).
Now that you’ve finished P90X, what’s next? By now you know that if you just stop working out and start eating poorly again, you will not maintain your results. We know you don’t want to go back there. So, seriously…what’s next?