Ultimate Reset Cleanse Results
Monica and I feel that the Ultimate Reset Cleanse may very well be the most effective program Beachbody has for overall health. In this post, I’ll cover what exactly it is, the results of a clinical study, and the specifics of my experience and a compilation of my Ultimate Reset Cleanse results on several rounds.
There is a TON of information in this post. I suggest bookmarking it and digesting it in chunks. It will give you a deep understanding of what this cleanse is all about and will help you tremendously when you’re ready to start. It will also very likely help you get the best Ultimate Reset Cleanse results possible.
Let’s start with what it is…
What is the Ultimate Reset?
First and foremost, the Ultimate Reset Cleanse is a 21 day clean eating challenge—clean eating is the cornerstone of the experience. It’s a gentle cleanse designed to get your body hydrated, back to an optimal pH level, and help you establish some simple healthy habits that will serve you for a long time after the cleanse is complete.
There will be NO starvation, NO harsh laxatives that have you running back and forth to the bathroom, NO punishment. During the Ultimate Reset, you’ll simply be feeding your body with all the nutrients it’s been craving and supplements to assist in the flushing of toxins from your body.
There are three phases of this program:
- Reclaiming
- Release
- Restore
It’s pretty simple—no caffeine, no alcohol, and no sugar for 21 days. During the first week, you’ll eat healthy foods that include animal-based protein (like chicken and salmon). In Week 2, you’ll be mostly eating vegetarian with some dairy and grains and Week 3 is entirely vegan with primarily fruits and vegetables.
The meals are really easy to prepare. The key is to design your meals and do the prep ahead of time to set yourself up for success. The food has been really good—especially the salads. I could eat them every day with some chicken! We will definitely keep some of the recipes in our regular meal rotation for quite some time, especially the Zucchini Cashew Soup. So simple and so delicious!
One important topic I want to touch on is exercise. A lot people believe that you are not supposed to exercise at all while you’re doing the Ultimate Reset, which is not quite the case. You are encouraged to move around, go for walks, and do lighter exercises that you enjoy. You’re just not supposed to do a vigorous program (like LIIFT4, the P90X Workouts, Insanity or Body Beast) that causes your body to need more protein and carbs and create lactic acid. This defeats the purpose of the cleanse, which is to help the body flush out all the toxins and literally reset your organs by giving them a break from protein and carbs.
Also, drinking A LOT of water is essential during the Ultimate Reset. Some of you might know that the body is able to retain up to eight pounds of water, simply because it is unsure of whether or not you are going to drink enough throughout the day. Once you start drinking enough water, your body begins to trust you and will release that excess water and you will drop those extra (water) pounds in no time.
Here’s a video I did that explains exactly what the Ultimate Reset Cleanse is all about:
Why Do the Ultimate Reset?
I had lost my focus and drive. The same focus and drive that helped me walk away from a 10 year old law practice to build a team of literally thousands of people with my wife as my Team Beachbody business partner. The unwavering faith and determination that made me take control of my life back from my job and give it over to my family was wavering.
That sort of responsibility is a heavy burden at times. I’m human and the pressures of being who you have to be in order to accomplish those things had really gotten to me. As Jim Rohn once said, “Listen to me carefully, but don’t watch me too close.”
I was eating too much, talking too much, drinking too much, and thinking far too little. I knew that was unsustainable and eventually the business and life I loved so much would be at risk. That fact was yet another burden to carry. In short, I knew for things to change, I had to change.
I needed to prove a few things to myself. It’s easy to say, “I don’t need coffee.”
It’s easy to say, “I can take or leave sugar.”
It’s easy to say, “I can quit drinking alcohol whenever I want.”
But, have you ever actually challenged these statements to make sure you really can? I definitely needed to prove those things were true in my life. Along the way, I would discover that not only were those three statements true, but countless others…some that I had entirely forgotten.
The Ultimate Reset Cleanse provided a path to regain a lot of my lost focus and determination.
Ultimate Reset Clinical Study
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Ultimate Reset Cleanse, Beachbody conducted an in depth peer-reviewed Ultimate Reset clinical study. The results were published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine.
Here’s a six-minute video with an overview of the results of the clinical study and another 30 minutes of Q&A with the creator of Shakeology and the Ultimate Reset, Darin Olien. (The slides below are from the six-minute presentation, in case you miss them during that video.)
The Ultimate Reset clinical study showed significant results in the area of weight loss, overall inches lost, cholesterol reduction, triglyceride reduction and testosterone increases in men.

The results were amazing for a 21 day program—an average of 8.75 inches lost with over an inch lost in waist and hips.

As you can see from the slide below, the reductions in cholesterol and triglycerides are significant during the 21 day Ultimate Reset cleanse.

Testosterone is a key marker for health in both men and women. Men want increased levels of natural testosterone and women want to maintain steady (and lower) testosterone levels.
As you can see from the slide below, men increased their testosterone and women maintained their levels during the 21 days of the Ultimate Reset.

Worried about feeling sick, tired, or having excessive headaches during the Ultimate Reset? Don’t.
The slide below shows the number of reported days of headaches and/or fatigue and the number of days reported as having “no symptoms.” As you can see, the “No Symptom” days are the big winners.
As someone that has done this program, I can tell you that my experience was the same. Early on, I had caffeine withdraws and headaches. By Day 6, I felt amazing. During the second and third weeks, I was jumping out of bed every morning feeling amazing.

As you can see from the results of the Ultimate Reset clinical study, this is a very powerful and effective cleanse.
Ultimate Reset Cleanse Mindset & Approach
There are people out there who are apprehensive to start a program like the Ultimate Reset. I urge you not to overcomplicate things and look at it as a positive challenge.
When I decide to do a round of the Ultimate Reset, I do it 100%—no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol. Period.
The first time I did it, it had been a busy year with lots of travel—from January to March, I went on six trips, including the Beachbody Success Club trip to the Bahamas. My unhealthy habits kick into high gear when I’m traveling. I like to really enjoy myself—and that typically means a fair amount of wine.
Even though I was training for an Olympic distance triathlon at the time and had recently passed my P90X Certification, I felt like crap. I was living on caffeine and was not solidly focused on nutrition and self care. When that happens, everything else suffers.
Enter the Ultimate Reset Cleanse. Carl Daikeler told me—”This is a game changer.”
Um…okay, Carl, whatever. It’s just a cleanse.
Never having done it before, I envisioned spending 21 days on the toilet and being miserable like every other cleanse I’ve done. Really, I’ve hated them all. But, I’m nothing if not coachable, so I jumped in when Monica was given the opportunity to do the cleanse with a group of the other Elite Coaches.
This is a video we shot before our very first round of the Ultimate Reset:
Ten days before the official start day, I began to limit my consumption of coffee and animal products. And, then we began.
I was determined and focused. I decided to look at every day as a new chance to prove that I could surmount the challenges that came my way. No one was watching me, except me. It would be easy to cheat—but, that would mean failure and that I would need much more than the Reset to set me straight.
We suggest choosing one of these two approaches to doing the Ultimate Reset Cleanse:
- Join a support group. Doing the cleanse with the support of a group has been proven to boost your odds of success. It is so much easier to go through this experience with someone else who is being challenged and has similar questions as you.
- Start your own Ultimate Reset challenge group. You don’t have to be a coach to have your own support group! This is how Monica started her Beachbody career—by creating groups filled with friends who challenges and supported each other. If this sounds interesting to you and you’d like to give it a go, we can help you form the group and lead you throughout the program. Just message me by clicking the button at the bottom of this screen.
Ultimate Reset Videos
If you really want to dig in deep and get a real sense of what your experience will be on the Ultimate Reset, here is a series of videos from Week 1 and Phase 3 of my third round of the Ultimate Reset.
My Ultimate Reset Cleanse Results
What a transformational experience! I didn’t lose a ton of weight, but that was never my goal—it was always about a physical and mental reboot. Mission accomplished!
The first week was rough. Both Monica and I experienced some withdrawals from caffeine and chocolate. I was hungry and tired. I napped frequently. The Alkalinizer, which is like swigging a shot of wheatgrass, gave me a headache and made me dizzy.
But, as we finished Phase I, I started to feel dramatically better. Halfway through, I started to feel amazing.
There were so many days when I woke up early (like at 5:30 a.m.) and just felt awesome—like I had slept for 10 hours. No caffeine…nothing. Just good food and gentle supplements. The reading material I had organized around the toilet bowl went largely un-viewed. It’s just not like that.
My final Ultimate Reset Cleanse results — I lost 6.5 pounds (from 166.7 to 160.3). I actually got to this weight in the second week and just stayed where my body needed to be.
Life didn’t cater to us. It went on and we attended parties and events where food and alcohol were served. But, we were determined to succeed so we happily drank our distilled water and ate the food we brought with us. It was not nearly as bad as we expected—and incredibly empowering.
Speaking of empowering, I experienced MANY changes over and above the weight loss.
I learned a lot about myself. I learned that there are things in my life that I just don’t need the way I thought I did. I learned that I can change and learn. A big part of this program is building new healthy habits that last. As my mother-in-law said last night, “This isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle.”
I found new joy in things. I love surfing on my stand up paddle board. Right before we started, I saw the video with Darin Olien doing exactly that on the Reset and decided that would be a part of my journey.
The interesting thing was that all of this work, focus and determination lead me to be quite reflective. I’d usually spend 10 minutes or so just sitting on my board, with my feet dangling in the water, taking the time to appreciate that fact that I was able to “be” in that moment. I realized that I didn’t need anything more to satisfy or entertain me. No change in my “state,” whether by caffeine, sugar or alcohol, was going to make it better. I just was. And, that was beautifully peaceful and complete for me.
During the Reset, I also decided to also commit to a personal development program. I got a 30-day program from one of the big thinkers of my generation. Every morning I’d start off my day with that program. Every week I’d talk to my business success partner about it, who was also doing it, and we’d understand it and ourselves so much better. There is real power in that and, as a result, my life improved.
Also, at the same time we were doing the Reset, our kids participated in a “Meset” (a modified Reset) and committed to giving up certain foods that we had let creep into their diets. Our 12 year old lost seven pounds. For an impressionable 7th grader, that’s huge…for a parent, that’s pride.
I’m really excited to get back to life, but I’m also excited to know that life includes some new healthy habits that will help me to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Here are two videos that were done at the end of our rounds of Ultimate Cleanse Review:
I’m thrilled with my Ultimate Reset results — but, some of the people that I went through this with had even more amazing transformations. We don’t have their final blood work yet, but we had two people in our group of five lost over 20 pounds in 21 days!
I will definitely continue to use the Power Greens supplement to help keep my body’s pH levels alkaline as opposed to acidic.
Get FREE Ultimate Reset Coaching
I hope this in depth coverage of our experience and Ultimate Reset results was helpful for you. Every time I do this cleanse, it gives me a renewed lease on life—I would absolutely LOVE for you to experience all the positive changes, too.
If you’re considering it and want to talk to me about it, just click this button and we can chat. I will help you from start to finish!

A little background… I’ve been absolutely STRUGGLING with weight loss over the last few years and I have a lot to lose. I have steel plates in my back from spinal fusions and really damaged my knees over zealously doing P90X at 342 pounds. After Dave linked The Ultimate Reset to me a month or so back I decided I needed to do something this drastic.
I was 335.6 pounds when I started. My cholesterol was 239. I was “trying” to eat Paleo and close to Atkin’s but it just wasn’t working for me. The high fat intake from the large amount of meat coupled with cravings for white carbohydrates was destroying my halfhearted efforts. I love to cook decadent meals and the fatty cuts of meat, laden with heavy sauces, with a side of starch was the absolute norm for me.
Make no mistake, going from my eating habits to The Ultimate Reset was extremely difficult for me… or so I thought it would be.
The Ultimate Reset is a roller coaster of both nutrition and emotions. From day one (and many times per day), I used The Ward’s Facebook group to check in, post what I was feeling and discuss what I was thinking. Just in the first 2 days alone, I immediately lost weight, suffered a massive headache from caffeine withdrawal and felt achy and fatigued. I logged into Facebook, posted my concerns and immediately saw feed back from others that started the same time as me. People confirmed what I was feeling and we shared the exact same things with an amazing accuracy. A few days in I gained back a pound or two… so did every other person resetting with us. It was unbelievable.
When things got tough, and believe me they did, the group was there to respond and to post their own experiences. Every day, several times a day, concerns arose and worries were calmed. The group really got to know each other well and the folks that were starting at a later date saw our successes and our setbacks. The group is VERY personal and VERY real. Otherwise intimate topics were discussed openly and with significant detail. To me, the difference between failure and success with The Ultimate Reset was the peer group and the support they offered. I’m certain that my success was directly related to having the support and encouragement of the group.
So in the end, I made it! In 21 short days I lost 21.6 pounds and dropped my cholesterol from 239 to 181. All of my other blood tests were similar. I feel great and I learned a lot about how my body reacts to certain foods. I really envisioned this journey as a near impossible task but with the help of others, Dave and Monica’s sound advice and encouragement and a desire to get this done… I made it. It was considerably easier than I thought it would be and I’m sure that’s because of the proper amount and balance of the support that’s in place.
I hope you find the same value in The Ultimate Reset that I did. It may have just saved my life…
Thanks Kevin. You were such a huge part of that first group. We learned a lot together. The experience was really amazing. I’m thrilled for you and your results. You’ve taken major strides and I’m so happy you agreed to take the challenge and dedicate 21 days to build lifelong habits that fuel your body.
My main reason for doing the Ultimate Reset was because I’m a Beachbody coach and I want to experience every product that we offer so I can better explain it.
I’m a 51 year old male in pretty good shape, I don’t need to lose much weight, but was reallyafraid of losing muscle mass during the 21 days of no exercising. I was also a bit hesitant in believing that I could perform better phyiscally after the 21 days of no exercising. So here is what I experienced during my 21 day journey.
The first few days I experienced very light headaches and a real lack of energy. By Day 5 there were no more headaches, I was sleeping throughout the night and when it was time to get up in the morning, I popped right out of bed and was ready to take on the day. From Day 6 until the end of Day 21 I felt alive, productive and had more energy than I’ve had in along time.
The meals were easy to prepare, tasted pretty good for the most part, I felt full most all the time and had no cravings what so ever. I finished the 21 days and I really feel like I accomplished something. I feel like a brand new me and I’m going to crush the next workout program that I take on.
I lost 11 lbs, lost 1.9% bodyfat, lost 1.5 inches in my waist, didn’t lose any muscle mass, I measured my chest and arms before and after and they stayed the same, (sweet) I did a before fitness test and a after fitness test. Before I did 73 pushups non stop, after I did 79, Before I did 77 situps in 2 minutes, after I did 86 in 2 minutes, before I ran 2 miles in 13:28, after I ran 2 miles in 13:03. I’m not having any cravings for anything special. Actually now that my engine is all brand new and clean, I don’t really want to put anything unhealthy in it. I smell pizza, lol.
I have now been finished with the Ultimate Reset for 7 days
feeling great, full of energy, highly motivated, my weight has stayed the same since i finished, my workouts with P90X, running and boot camp classes are high energy and explosive. I am a totally new person and ready to tackle what ever is thrown my way. If you feel non productive, lazy, overweight, sleepy, no sense of ergency and just feeling pretty much down in the dumps, this is the program you need to consider to renew yourself, make a better life for yourself and tackle those chores you have been putting off because you haven’t had the energy to do them.
Do it for yourself and for those around you.
Great review Mike. I feel totally energized as well. First week of P90X is in the books and I feel great. Attacking week two right now. Tons of energy and a renewed desire to get to work.